They currently have blizzard warnings, or they did yesterday.
He disowned his granddaughter for having the temerity to appear in a Johnson&Johnson kid’s documentary about how the rich talk and act behind closed doors.
Ahhh good! That means they’ve landed, and I understand their exhaustion. :)
Ayyami-ha and Naw Ruz
At first I read 30 minutes at a time, and was gonna give you crap for not leapfrogging across the pond. It’s not that big. The one next to me is bigger :P
I’m impressed she’s sleeping. I can’t sleep on airplanes no matter what I take.
For him, you should actually use an Iron Maiden for once.
I am not a Catholic, but IIRC from Catholic School (it was just the best school in the area,) they aren’t excommunicated. The only reason for that is that, in theory, since they were never Catholic to begin with, they could get baptized and become Catholic. As I understand it, once you are excommunicated, you may never rejoin the Catholic Church.
I know I’m being pedantic.
Doctor, farmer, teacher/professor. They’re literally working for the future of humanity.
Metallurgy is just their hobby.
For the third time, at least.
TIL Hobbit Culture was based, in part, on Germans.
Don’t deny yourself the smokey goodness! Even vegans deserve good Bac’n! Banana peels make a decent substitute if you need slices for a BLT or something.
Any that are spelled Bac’n or don’t contain the words “real bacon” are soy protein and vegan friendly.
Biggest swamp cooler in the world just off the west coast. The closer you get to the Pacific, the more moderate the temperature is. It’s rather cool in Tijuana, currently. (50° F/ 10.5° C)
There’s a small third category. Those of us that see the problems and are willing to fight and die to try and save our country.
Somewhere in Russia is all I’m managing to find
According to some Russian, all you need is a spear. They even commemorated it.
I know about Jefferson and his 20 year automatic sunset phase for laws at all levels, except for Constitutions, charters, and other founding documents that can be amended. Hadn’t heard that Franklin wanted to sunset the Constitution itself as well. Not sure that we would have lasted this long if Franklin had gotten his way there. I do think that Jefferson and Madison were on the right track with the federal, state, and local laws though. Tyranny of the dead and all that.