• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I’ve seen this often. The app is marketed as being “api” first as if that’s some benefit to the user of a SaaS application. However in reality much of the team is constantly busy patching the old legacy V1 api to keep it running. And management won’t authorize the budget to create a new api version that replaces the old one, because it still works right?

    Public facing web apis have always been a pet peeve of mine. So often the team uses the api their own frontend uses as the public facing api customers should use for integrations. Which on the surface seems smart, why implement and manage two apis that’s just overhead. But in reality the apis suitable for a frontend (or often that specific frontend) isn’t suitable for integrations at all. They both have a completely different target user and completely different requirements.

    But hey we’ll just market it as “headless”, because one could totally put in the years of work and money we put in to create our front-end, if they really wanted to. Totally realistic thing that happens.

  • It was Book 2 of the Extinction series called Extinction Countdown by James D Prescott. The whole series was available for 1 credit so I thought I gave it a try.

    Book 1 was very cliche and over the top, but enjoyable enough. Kinda dumb and predictable but good enough. Pretty short as well, so for a credit per book it would have been too expensive. However Book 2 doubled down on all the bad parts of Book 1 and turned the cringe to 11.

    It said: “If even 10% of the predictions made by Elon Musk on Ai are true…” I rolled my eyes so hard I think I hurt myself. Then three sentences later they went on about Kanye West’s new fashion line. So I turned it off for then, thought about it today and refunded. The author probably meant well, but oof.

  • The Nvidia stock is based on expected demand. The idea is they are the top dog when it comes to Ai compute. So as the world ramps up in putting shitty Ai in everything we can, the future demand on Nvidia stuff goes up and up. No serious competition is expected, so people are buying stock in expectation of huge profits in the future. So for a brief time right before the resource hungry shitty Ai destroys the planet, a lot of rich people will become even richer than before.

    However this new Ai has shown you can make a just as shitty Ai, but using a lot less compute. This not only lowers the demand for Nvidia products, because less compute is needed. It also boosts supply because less capable competitor hardware might be in the running after all.

    The stock market is pretty dumb, so instead of being fully dependent on supply and demand, it’s also heavily based on expected supply and demand, which in turn are based on promises and hype. And because it’s become so easy to trade these days, it can get very volatile because there are traders that just jump on any hype train and sell at the first sign of trouble. These amplify stock movements a lot. This has lead to the dot com bubble in overdrive, a lot of stock is so hyper inflated it isn’t connected to reality anymore. See for example Tesla stock or in this case Nvidia.

    So yeah basically late stage capitalism at work.

  • Didn’t he buy the whole thing in a hostile takeover? That means no more publicly traded shares and he owns the whole thing. Probably through some complicated holdings construction but ultimately he owns it fully.

    He owned 9% of stock before the takeover. His price was way high, which is why he attempted to get out of it. And no shareholder complained as they got a good return on their investment.

    As far as I understand a lot of the finances came from different sources, like the Saudis. But the agreements around those aren’t public, so I don’t think anyone knows exactly if they can demand anything except money and what the rules are for Musk. Unless that’s been confirmed leaked, but I don’t care enough about Musk or Twitter to keep tabs on that.

  • I assume the 2700 is SRP? Don’t use SRP ever, it’s total nonsense. It has in fact become such nonsense use of SRP in marketing/sales is actually illegal in the EU. Instead of it being an actual price point manufacturers intended for the product to be sold at, it’s always always a factor of that. So shops could advertise with a 50% discount on SRP, to get at what is just the regular price and not even a good one at that. That was considered so misleading, SRP use is banned. Instead the marketing can only be based on actual lowest prices the product was for sale at.

  • To add to this good info: In the post is a screenshot showing the SPF/DKIM/DMARC info on the mail, it all checks out. So even if you are tech savvy and actually check these things, in this case they got it licked.

    This is what elevates this attack from every day regular attack to holy shit I could have fallen for that.