• 21 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • If only NASA could run experiments so that we could understand how the concept of fear-based self preservation eliminates any semblance of courage when faced with even the smallest threat to their ill-defined paradigm of manhood.

    You’re significantly underestimating how many Chud engineers NASA employs. The agency that was founded by Nazis refugees has always had a shit history on race politics, cinema hagiographies produced decades later notwithstanding.

    In a parallel universe where we have a functioning federal government

    One of the biggest jokes of the US depiction of the Space Race was how many times we got our asses drubbed by Russians with less money, manpower, and educational resources, simply because our administration was so cartoonishly incompetent. We have an obscenely wealthy federal government that can afford to fuck up on the scale of trillions of dollars and still come out ahead.

  • Religious figures can, and do, exist without the need for “miracles”. Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha), Confucius, and Socrates are all venerated for their philosophy rather than any particular supernatural aspects of their existence. Even in Christianity, the back half of The Gospels are just letters distributed among the apostles focused on building up the Catholic Church as an institution. The miraculous Jesus was something religious scholars had to lobby as canonical for centuries before it was officially recognized. And the Gnostic movement - the really whoo-whoo side of Christianity that hinged on some even more esoteric beliefs - never maintained the kind of following that the more secularized “Jesus is a philosopher king we should emulate” attitude of subsequent Christian groups.

  • In any sane world, would something as specific as eggs drive politics?

    Mass media is one hell of a drug. I remember the Swift Boat Veterans making the 2004 election about whether or not John Kerry faked his war wound to win a purple heart. And then there was the 1988 race, where the national news collectively shat itself over Dukakis doing a photo op in a tank (OG Tankie).

    Conservative news outlets hammering every outlet with “Eggs! Too expensive! INFLATION! INFLATION! INFLATION!” stories made this a touchstone for a low of traditional media consuming voters.