Mine is going to be laid back if all goes according to plan. I’m going to do some birding with a friend tomorrow morning, then I’m headed to a used bookstore to buy a copy of “the pricess bride” that I talked myself out of the other day (I’ve never read it). Then I’m hitting the farmers market and then relaxing at home for the foreseeable future. Enjoy your weekend!

  • russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net
    1 year ago

    Well, for me the weekend is the start of my (very weird) weekly work schedule so my weekend is pretty much just ending.

    However, thanks to a recommendation at the Star Trek community I picked up one of the Star Trek books for my Kindle since they’re on sale so I’ll definitely be reading that!

    Additionally, I updated my Minecraft server to 1.20.1 and nuked the world since I hadn’t really progressed at all (the TL;DR of that situation is that I’ve been “working” on that server since 2021 - it was intended to be a new public server that my ex and I were going to create, but I just haven’t had a lot of time or motivation to do so after we split up) so I’ll probably be giving that a go!

    I finally got a refill for an important medication I’m on, it was three weeks late and has been stressing me out so I’m relieved over that. There are plenty of other stressors going on as of lately, but that was a pretty big one.

    Other than that, for better or for worse I’ll just be going wherever the days take me!