Mine is that I pour the milk before the cereal. people are always extremely confused by that.
I eat kiwis with the peel
Australians are next
You’re going to eat Australians with the peel??
I set my clocks on 24 hour time. Usually gets a comment when they see it.
waiting in line when there are self checkouts available. I just dont like doing it.
Neuroqueering! It gives you fun situations everyday for sure.
What does this mean? I’ve never heard the term before.
To keep it too simple, it’s neurodivergent people not adapting themselves to the constructed social norms.
In a more elaborated definition: it’s subverting, defying, disrupting, liberating oneself from neuronormativity and heteronormativity simultaneously.
When people have a brain functioning differently from the majority, you will have different behaviors not matching the heteronormativity and the neuronormativity —even if you’re heterosexual. The most obvious examples are not making eyes contact, not shaking hands, stimming in public.
Wait, what does being heterosexual or not have to do with this?