closing in on my 40th book of the year; this should optimistically be read sometime next week

    20 days ago

    To be quite honest, very disappointed.

    I won’t get into it, but suffice it to say that the comments of a user on this instance have disappointed me immensely considering the respect I had for them previously. And no, reporting is useless because they’re also a moderator and I’d rather not antagonise anyone.

    It’s unfortunate that I’ve had to block them (which means responding to any replies here will be difficult because I’m not looking to single anyone out and that’ll happen unintentionally if several people respond and one doesn’t get a reply), but it seems like some shit just can’t be contained in the political communities and now ! has a bunch of shit slipping through.

    My keyword filter list is just expanding and I wonder if it’s even worth it at this point to remain subscribed.

    (On a separate note, I’d like to ask the admins and moderators to encourage that political discussion happen on the news and political communities rather than the chat community. Let people know they’re free to create self text posts there and it’s not restricted to simply posting links. If not that, then perhaps a “political discussion” community could be created to deal with this directly.

    While, yes, people should be able to discuss whatever they want, I don’t believe I’m alone in having blocked news and political communities while hoping for ! to be a place where discussion can be had free of the division and arguments relating oftentimes specifically to United States politics.)