What has your experience with Linux been like so far? How long has been your Linux journey? Mine began while I was studying computer science, and I’ve been in love with Linux since.

  • Phoenixz@lemmy.ca
    13 天前

    Way back in the day (say 1990) I used the Commodore Amiga platform, loved it, made me want to become a developer. It also already back then instilled a hatred for Microsoft in me.

    Then windows 95 happened, the Amiga platform pretty much died, and I reluctantly switched to using Microsoft windows. For years I gave it a chance, I really did! I hated pretty much everything about it, except total Commander and Irfan view

    Somewhere in 99 i bought a mini home server, and a friend of mine installed Slackware. I managed to break it within days and thought Linux was just too hard.

    Then in 2001 or so I started working with a Redhat server, I believe first over telnet, then SSH and I started learning about the command line and loved it. I leaned compiling which was a bit of a drag to have to always do, but then I learned about packages and very shortly after that, package managers (yum was the first, I believe) and fell in love.

    Then in 2002, I believe, I saw either fedora or Redhat desktops and learned about dual installations. I installed fedoara next to my windows install so that o could try it and work with the familiar windows, but I loved it so much that I quite literally never looked back. 3 months later I deleted my windows partition.

    2004, I think, I switched to Ubuntu with KDE which later became Kubuntu.

    I worked on a Linux desktop machine that allowed on 1 gigabyte Celeron CPU computer with one internal graphics and 4 graphics cards, usb splitters and usb Audio, keyboards, and mice, 5 users to work with KDE on that single computer. Novus, it was called. The project was a technical success and a huge commercial failure and since it was with an external investor, we weren’t allowed to make it open source, unfortunately.

    I started working in a large data center in Latin America in around 2007, I believe, as a senior Linux administrator for 4 years, had a lot of laughs at the expense of the windows team, seeing how clunky and work intense their windows servers were in comparison with my Linux servers.

    Some four-five years later I started my own software development company, all Linux only. Everyone, including the devs, secretaries, sales, all worked on Linux machines. I transferred ownership someone else, and the company still persists.

    But I’ve been on Linux desktop only for well over 20 years now, still using Kubuntu or sometimes KDE neon or mint, but I’m “old” and much less interested in experimenting, I need a stable dependable desktop but I love the bling like KDE 3D desktop to show off to windows users to get them over to the dark side, we got cookies.