I just finished setting up a custom router with dns ad blocking. Next comes a media player so I can purge this smart TV filth from my household.

Huge shout out to Louis Rossmann and the FUTO communuty contributors, check out the wiki on self-hosted software if you haven’t already.

Wiki link

  • buddascrayon@lemmy.world
    26 days ago

    I’ll also reiterate that they flat out will not even use a TV sometimes because they’re defeated by the smart TV features that prevent them from getting over to their Comcast box.

    Yes I did read your comment and here you just proved my point. And my solution was not for old people. Point I was making in my comment was that old people are already lost cause. They don’t understand technology and therefore will not benefit from it. So yeah they get suckered into buying these TVs and then they never use them properly or they get somebody younger to set them up so that they can use either Netflix or Disney+ since those are the only things they know of to watch whatever programs they can pull up or they pay someone to get a cable box plugged in and surf like they did in the '80s, '90s, and early 2000s.

    My “fix” is for younger people, twenties to '50s, who don’t want to deal with the ad-pocalypse. I have been able to set it up multiple times with various sized computers right down to a Raspberry Pi. And yeah, of some ain’t tech savvy enough to plug a computer into an HDMI port and use it to watch stuff on their TV, I have no sympathies. We live in a digital age and if you’re younger than '50 years old and can’t work a computer, you’re dead out of luck when it comes to digital entertainment and you might as well get used to having ads shoved in your face the rest of your life.