420blazeit69 [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2021


  • Arseny Turbin, who committed his alleged crimes when he was just 14, has been branded as Russia’s ‘youngest terrorist’ following his conviction…

    Judge Oleg Shishov in Oryol found him guilty of ‘participation in the activities of an organisation that is recognised as terrorist’…

    [His mother] said ‘We will appeal the verdict….we did not expect this outcome at all.’

    There was a trial – “no scrap of evidence” is a bald-faced lie.

    If your theory (which really would have no scrap of evidence behind it) is that this was a kangaroo court, why would his mom be talking about appeals, and why would there be an appeal available in the first place?

    Real reporting would have been, at minimum, getting a trial transcript and evaluating the evidence yourself. Or finding a Russian lawyer who was familiar with the proceedings and interviewing them. But of course MSN didn’t do any of this, because this isn’t reporting, this is propaganda.

  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]@hexbear.nettoWorld News@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    3 months ago

    Today, Biden could:

    • End all U.S. military support for Israel
    • Veto any bill that contains one cent of funding for Israel
    • Publically call a genocide a genocide
    • Direct U.S. agencies to cancel contracts with companies that work with Israel, citing existing U.S. human rights laws
    • Join the ICJ case against Israel
    • Arrest Netanyahu’s son Yair, who’s just chilling in Miami
    • Direct the National Guard to protect anti-genocide protesters
    • Clean house at the State Department and other NatSec agencies to fire the people who have supported this genocide most vociferously
    • Use the vast overseas surveillance power of the U.S. to document Israeli atrocities

    How quickly would this stop?

    And that’s not even considering options like a decapitation strike on the Israeli government, which should absolutely be on the table to stop a genocide.

  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]@hexbear.nettoWorld News@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    3 months ago

    Taking everything you say at face value, the options for Ukraine are:

    1. Take a deal that maybe you can’t trust, but it at least gives you time to breathe.
    2. Keep fighting, and with the war going how it is eventually lose more than what you’ve already lost.
    3. Attempt to draw other states into the conflict so that you have a shot at what might be considered a victory, likely years more down the road under the best of circumstances.

    There is no justification for 2, and 3 is highly unlikely – if other states haven’t entered the war already, they’re not going to do so now.

  • But even in your case of letting all the spies be killed to save one civilian, it would in the end result in more dead civilians because if a country does that to its own spies, nobody will want to be a spy for them anymore

    Ridiculous from top to bottom.

    First, you’re taking the U.S. at its word that there was anyone on its side in real danger. There is no reason to trust the U.S., and many reasons to think they’re lying – they’re fighting a proxy war against Russia, after all.

    Second, it’s laughable to take the premise of additional intelligence possibly endangering some spy and turning that into “this would kill all U.S. spies.

    Finally, the U.S. has fucked over countless lackeys in the past and will continue to do so. Dying for your country is what these people already signed up for, and there will be more meat for the grinder whatever happens to a spy here or there, because of a million reasons, but mostly because who the hell is telling recruits about some active spy that gets burned?