I’m sad nobody has mentioned Chrono Trigger…
I’m sad nobody has mentioned Chrono Trigger…
Magic the Gathering.
I played religiously in high school. Competed in tournaments every weekend. But around Stronghold, they just started churning out expansion after expansion after expansion, and even placing high in most tournaments, i just couldn’t keep up with the older guys that had incomes. So, i quit.
When Commander came out, i tried to play again, but it just felt different. It was more about who had the coolest mat, or who had the newest combo. It felt monetized, and i didn’t like it. The final straw for me was when i found out they did a promo expansion with My Little Pony… If you like MLP, cool. More power to you. But i HATE MLP with a rage that could scour all life from existence. My little sister was obsessed, and that meant it was in my face for a decade at least. Can’t stand that shit, and wizards going cash grab during the height of the bronie movement just killed the last of my good will.
The Biden administration isn’t trying to negotiate anything. It’s just trying to strike a pose to dodge the entirely deserved condemnation it’s getting for enabling a genocide while continuing to enable a genocide.
Biden may be old, but he’s doing a pretty good job of imitating Neo dodging an agents bullets right about now.
Elected on Friday. Sworn in on Saturday. Assassinated on Sunday.
Hey, that translation sounds right to me!
I bookmarked this for reading later, so i hadn’t perused it yet. I would fall into that first category. I’m still really green in this regard. I usually spend a few years studying and learning before actually taking action, but this is all helpful info.
Thankee kind stranger!
Can you back up this claim…?
handing out weapons to civilians in order to defend the airport
You had control, right?
“I’m a simple man and i like simple pleasures.”
How do you spell “Maginot Line” in Cyrillic?
I’ve recently started looking into starting aquponics. This is really helpful.
“Guess we’ll just keep capturing territory until a fair deal is a reality, then.”
No, clowdstrike cancelled the cards after using them, if i understand correctly.
Stahp, you meany!
I do believe the number is still nine-wah-wah
“I swallowed the knife…”