Do you think that a significant number of people who would benefit from some amount of student loan forgiveness are in this situation? Do you believe that it would be good to do nothing so that some undeserving people aren’t helped as well?
If there were a progressive candidate in the general election I would’ve voted for them 🤷 Believe me I didn’t vote for Biden with much hope for anything changing for the better in the country.
I’m using it both for notes at work (software development) as well as a separate graph for my own thoughts, ideas, todos, pretty much everything. Using Syncthing to sync my graphs between devices works pretty well, though it’s had a bit of a learning curve in getting it set up.
sighs in American
Currently stuck in the testing phase for an issue at work. The code changes were simple, but trying to test things across pods in Kubernetes is a real pain in the butt. Hoping I’ll eventually feel more comfortable with Kubernetes, but there is just so much to learn.
Outside of work I’ve gotten back into Rollerblading which I hadn’t done since middle school, and I have some fun vacation plans coming up.
Greater Boston area here, and I love it! Lots of friends from school happen to live here, and the job market has been decent for me as a software engineer.
I’m pretty sure KDE neon is only meant for testing KDE applications and so isn’t guaranteed to be stable with anything but those packages. Other distros should be maintained with more general-purpose use in mind
Any other rabbit owners here? The REW is Phoebe and the brown one is Chester.
My wife has struggled with disordered eating, and it’s been a long journey for both of us. She is also tall and got to a really scary place. She’s doing much better now, but it continues to be a process. Keep up the great work and don’t give up!