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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 18th, 2024


  • This is not evidence that they’re using your microphone, and you know it’s not.

    I didn’t claim it to be evidence for that.

    somehow bypassing Google and Apple’s mic usage notifications

    Unless some form of hardware notification is hardwired into the device, which indicates cam or mic usage, I’m on the rather paranoid side regarding software notifications. Software is usually much easier to break. I’m leaning a lot out of the window now, as I don’t know how secure those notifications are implemented. However, even then there is reason for concern, given that facebook had / has questionable deals with device manufacturers. If they were willing to share personal data with device manufacturers, there is reason to suspect this went or can go the other way around as well.

    I don’t know why you keep coming back to trust. […] That’s not the point.

    It is mine. Even though there is no evidence for a surveillance using device microphones itself yet and it could be surprising if they were able to, given the history of facebook, they participated in a lot of rather surprising shit.

  • I don’t think that this makes it wrong. As I see it, the meaning of your advice is to prioritize self-care over work. It surely helps with mental and physical health. And I think this also applies to people saving lifes of others like medical doctors. They are also still people, they can also suffer from that kind of work. And I always prefer a doctor who thinks about getting enough sleep and quality time in life over someone who drives themselves mad and makes themselves sick by burdening the whole world on their shoulders.

    If they can’t help themselves, how can they help me?
    Or, 101 of car crashes, first save yourself before you attempt to save others.

    There are also others who help. It’s not one single person’s job to save everyone.

  • When dealing with a busy person in a professional context;

    • Emails should be as short as possible while still conveying the needed information, don’t make a busy person excavate the relevant info from somewhere near the middle of the fifth paragraph.
    • Whenever possible phrase a question in a way that can be answered in one word.

    Not a fan of this. Feels like a result of over-optimization in a capitalistic, profti-driven society.

    We are humans. Not machines. So treat each other like that. If you like to write a couple of more words to express yourself or some issue in a way that feels representing, go for it. Doesn’t mean to escalate this into a novel, but it’s fine to take a pause and talk more.