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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • Yeah, same with my dad. Since he had enlisted he had gotten a masters, so they wanted to make him an officer, starting at some decent rank. However they wanted him to continue on with the types of locations he was being stationed at. He did a lot of work on test, and spy, aircraft, and did all that consulting travel. So they kept putting him in basically the middle of nowhere, but locations that either had a lot of traffic for things like spy aircraft, or they were geographically kinda centered, to travel between a number of locations, to work at, with that place being home base. He said he would do it if they sent him back to Vegas, or put him in Hawaii, or Edwards in southern California, or one of the major spots in Virginia, something other than arctic outposts, and a super rural areas. At the time we were stationed at Mountain Home AFB in Idaho… He hated it. But no, they wanted him to stay there for a few years, then get moved a rather remote location in the midwest. So he retired after 22 years.

  • Yeah, I had this conversation with aunt. She grew up in a rather big city, and always wanted to move into the countryside for more privacy. Well, a hurricane leveled the area she lived in. She got a shit deal from FEMA, and insurance, etc. So, on top of always wanting to move away from people, it was easier to afford.

    She regrets it, especially as she ages. The people, though farther apart, and fewer in number, are all up each-others’ asses. She said she went from being someone she doubted her neighbors fully realized existed, to everyone in the county knowing who she is, who her kids are, who her husband is, where they live, what car was theirs, etc. She said she never felt more under a microscope in her life. She said it really sunk in when she was at the store, and a woman she didn’t recognize, just said “Hey, aunt’s name, how is husband’s name leg doing?” He didn’t work in the area, like he worked a several hour drive away, she didn’t know this woman, yet she knew about her husband’s recent surgery. Now that she is aging, and has had her knees replaced, she is finding it more, and more, difficult to do basic life things, because there are so few support resources compared to where she left.

  • Just have read numerous articles talking with him, or about him, he is always this way, and when I come across articles talking about him with his workers, or from their perspective, they say they don’t like him, or dance around calling him and asshole. I have also seen screenshots of his social media showing him acting like an ass, and the general discussion accompanying them is that he is arrogant, egotistical, etc.

    I couldn’t point you to a specific place at this point, as I don’t remember the news specifically, just the general information. However I don’t imagine that it would take hours of digging to find it.