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Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I remember the days when I spent time convincing people to use chat apps. The last one that stuck was WhatsApp.

    I’ve since stopped installing new chat apps because people won’t use them.

    WhatsApp just works. Wanna video call my Mum? Push a button. Wanna send a Lemmy meme to my mates? Yeah it’s 3 taps.

    I open up Facebook on me birthday and press the ❤️ on the birthday messages then shut it down and don’t use it for another year.

    But if I do that with WhatsApp then I don’t hear from people I actually care about.

    I actually have a friend that refuses to use WhatsApp like I do with FaceFuck. “How does she do it then?” I hear you ask.

    She uses Facebook Messenger.

    That’s the hold Meta has on our communications

  • Absolutely, “drugs are bad mmmmkay?” is still how schools teach it.

    I remember smoking weed for the first time and not even having a hangover. It me question EVERYTHING about drug policy.

    I don’t want my kids to question it, because they’ll already know it’s bullshit. I want them to ask their Dad.

    My kids already know that “Drugs” means all the bad shit plus all the good shit. Cocaine, alcohol, paracetamol, ibuprofen, all drugs.

    If you take too much paracetamol you can die. You can get addicted to coffee.

    I heard in a film “If it comes out of the ground it’s probably ok, pills and powders are bad news” and I couldn’t agree more when it comes to recreational, so that’s the line I’m gonna take.

    Personally I think it’s human nature to get off your box once in a while, I think it’s what’s shaped humanity into what it is today. I believe most religions probably came from a dude doing psychedelics and writing shit down.

    Tell me Buddha never got fucked up. Jesus’ holy oil was probably made from cannabis. Santa Claus is actually the Fly Agaric mushroom, it’s red and white, and if you drink the piss of reindeer that have eaten it you can get fucked up and not die, a gift. Mead was originally magic mushrooms preserved in honey, until some started fermenting and they realised you don’t need to put the mushrooms in there to get wasted.

    So my kids will probably want to get off their box in the future. I need to educate them well enough that they get off their box on the safer stuff, not blindly take that pill their mate offers them.

  • I’m weekly paid and have monthly bills, so I saved up a month’s worth of bills money and set up a second account. Then I worked out what each monthly bills costs me a week, added it all up and set a direct debit from my main account on pay day every week. That way I always have a month of money for bills as a buffer in case anything stops me getting a pay check.

    Then I set up a little bit into a savings account every week too.

    Now when I get paid I know that money is for food, petrol and fun because my bills are deducted before I even get out of bed.

    When I run out of weed I go “Oh no I can’t afford weed” then look at my savings account and go “Oh yes I can!”

    This shit should be taught in schools.

    I got myself debt free at the beginning of the year for the first time in a while. Slipped into my overdraft last month (cars suck!) and I’ve been hitting the overtime to whittle it back down. Goal is to start the new year debt free again.

    I use my drugs policy for me-time too. Jobs get done before me-time. I’m trying to teach this to my kids then I can hit them with the Drugs Policy when they’re older and just tell them it’s the Me-time policy for money.

  • From my reading on Pramipexole it’s about 10% of people that have these side effects. It worried me when I started taking the pills.

    I read the documentation that came with them and it had in bold DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICATION WITH ALCOHOL AS THIS CAN MAKE SIDE EFFECTS WORSE so I read the side effects and it was compulsive gambling and hypersexuality.

    So I gave up my nightly rum for a few weeks. Then I thought “Meh, let’s see what happens” and reintroduced my nightly rum and coke before bed. Honestly I’ve not had anything noticeable.

    Nothing compulsive. But I can spend an hour or more solving Rubik’s cubes or playing the guitar without even noticing. I had that before the pills though.

  • Pramipexole

    It’s used for Parkinson’s and restless legs, I use it for restless legs. I’ve suffered with this condition as far back as I can remember, I’ve always referred to myself as a part time insomniac because this would keep me up a lot of the time.

    I had a period of mental health problems and was prescribed Metazapine for it, which kicked up the RLS a notch. Despite being off them now for nearly a year, the Restless Legs are still kicked up.

    Pramipexole, when taken at the right time, sorts the RLS out, I can finally sleep and when I do sleep I don’t kick my wife up the arse.

    Side affects include hypersexualality and compulsive gambling, but I haven’t experienced this yet. I have warned my workmates that it could come up in the future though so if I ever say “I bet you a fiver you can’t wank me off” they know why.

    Edited to bold Pramipexole

  • I’m 39 and right there with you, although I can’t seem to get under 80 seconds for a solve yet. I’ve been cubing for a couple of months and have got the 2 look pll and oll down nearly now, just a couple of algorithms I’m struggling to remember. Love doing the last layer though, it’s like magic.

    I’m at a point now where I’m solving faster than I was (it was around the 3 minute mark a couple of weeks ago but I’ve just got a RS3M) and it is starting to feel “easy” now.

    I also have one in my pocket most of the time, it’s another hobby my wife hates lol “Do you HAVE to bring that thing with you?” YES I DO

  • It was my eldest that got me going actually. He came home from school with the old shit cube he had, did 3 turns on it and said “There, I solved it Dad.”

    I said “Did you fuck. Who sorted that for you?” and he told me a kid at school was just asking everyone if they had a cube and to bring it in to school, so he did and the kid solved it for him.

    I thought “If a 12 year old can do it, so can I” and used it to help with my Reddit withdrawals.

    I’ve finally got a magnetic cube now and just have it in my pocket. I’m trying to improve my F2L speed where you put the corners in and the 2nd layer at the same time. I really like doing the last layer with algorithms, it’s like magic.

  • Yeah it just goes to show that hobbies are like icebergs.

    I picked up a guitar in Covid and managed to learn basic chords and songs in the first year of playing it every single day. I’m 4 years in now, and I feel less advanced than I felt back then.

    I think it’s because when you’re learning a new technique, you fucking suck at it, but when it’s in counterpoint to other techniques that you can do to a high level, it sounds worse than just one technique being played badly, plus you’ve trained your ears over the time you’ve been playing, so you can hear the bad bits better.

    Guitarists that have been playing for decades have more of these techniques down so they sound better, but that’s just to people who have struggled with those techniques themselves. To the uninitiated guitarists are just guitarists, some play country and some do that wiggly wiggly guitar solo thing.

    Guitar playing is an Iceberg with a big bit sticking up, chess and rubix cubes are smaller icebergs, but you’ve got to mine it all the way down before you can climb to the top.