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Joined 2 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月24日


  • Why would you hold self-driving cars to a standard that we don’t hold drivers? If you are a driver and realize you are about to harm a pedestrian, there is no circumstance when the law suggests you ram a car into a building or pole instead of the pedestrian. Your insurance would rather you hit the pedestrian, usually. Because in an animal strike, hitting the animal is comprehensive (in America) and swerving to hit a fence is collision. You can’t be at fault for comprehensive. A pedestrian is a different mater and not comprehensive, but they’d rather you mitigate liability, and then mitigate cost. And there’s a chance the pedestrian was at fault, at least partially. The building/pole can’t be.

    But all of this is a moot point. Self-driving cars will NEVER be programmed to harm the driver before an outside person. Simply for the fact no one will ever buy or ride in a car that chooses to kill the passenger over others. No one will ride in the Suicide Car.

  • It’s not that simple. If it was the American military wouldn’t be effective because manpads, javelins, and torpedos would have taken out all the aircraft, tanks and ships.

    The military is a fighting unit and protects itself very well. At least, it does it it’s working right. When you have a military being destroyed by a vault interior opponent, it’s because they are fucking to their military…or someone is trying to occupy Afghanistan.

  • Yeah, I saw that as well. It’s very neat and I hope that 50% reduction is seen in all cattle breeds with just a small supplement of seaweed. If it’s effective without strong side effects, I imagine we’ll synthesize whatever chemical is inhibiting the methane production and it’ll become a standard feed supplement.

    “This could help farmers sustainably produce the beef and dairy products we need to feed the world,” Roque added.

    Absolutely not the case for beef cattle. They are far too expensive to raise and feed to be a hunger concern. They take so much land and food compared to how many calories you get from the beef. Pretty much every other animal is easier to raise and feed. There’s a reason pretty much no culture or religion bans consumption of goats or sheep; they are critical. Beef is a luxury food.