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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • Reddit is like this too on the app. Some of the worst algorithm recommendations I’ve ever seen. “You like (your local city subreddit), you might also like (some city you don’t live in subreddit).” Why?

    The worst is that is has ruined my porn account because it doesn’t recommend NSFW subs so I have to scrape past random unrelated garbage like the Pokémon card valuation subreddit and /r/cement, I counted and it went 40 posts between NSFW posts once. On my account that is exclusively subscribed to NSFW subs.

  • I don’t think it’s on purpose really, it’s just that sports is like the only case where being a trans woman could be a benefit, so it’s a critical part of the right wing attacks on trans people.

    But then they just look crazy when they see there are more CIS child molesters than trans women in the Olympics, like surely if it was appropriate to be so mad about trans women dominating in sports you would have them showing up in the Olympics.

    So they just had to invent a situation, and if it wasn’t the CIS woman they decided on, they would have found someone else.

  • We have to learn to better frame the issues. When Japan was ascendant, everyone projected them to overtake the US in economic power and we got all afraid and passed a bunch of protectionist rules about car imports. Think pieces get written about how their economic model was better than the US and the US is a crumbling empire.

    But it turned out it was a huge real estate bubble combined with/caused by the demographic benefit coming from a boom generation going into their prime labor years and once that generation started aging out there was a real estate slump and a balance sheet recession that lasted a decade, and they never recovered to the levels everyone was projecting 10 years prior.

    Now literally the exact same thing is happening with China and everyone is all shocked. Guess what, it’s going to happen again.

    It’s not to say the US will never fall to 2nd place in the global order, but it’s not going to be from some country growing at 10%/year forever, that doesn’t actually ever happen.