• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • It’s fine to think it’s weird. It’s part of the process of growth (of ideas I mean, nothing to do with your own age). Continue to think about it though, and it won’t be weird anymore. (I know… it sounds “weird” for me to say that?:-P)

    And on the other side of that, you will find something MUCH better - that women are people, almost literally exactly like you are. Except not precisely bc duh differences exist -but also yes, just as there are short or tall or medium sized men, there are people who are men, and there are people who are women. And we all shit. 😂

    You were lifting up women as being “special” somehow - which is part of the mystery, and girls literally play into that by attempting to hold back farts, belches, etc. (and guys do the same, getting high-paying jobs, driving sports cars, wearing toupets to cover bald spots, pretending to have confidence while hiding their true feelings, which is really quite damaging but that’s the game and if you don’t play then you absolutely lose, etc.) - but an even deeper mystery awaits on the other side of that, realizing just how equal they are, even despite how you had a crush on them. Like, that wasn’t a doll that you liked, it was a person… who is full of so many more surprises and wonders (and farts and yes literal shit too, until it comes out and goes into the toilet:-). And I daresay that you would be quite incapable of loving a “person” so long as you continued to think of them as a “doll”, but now that you realize this, you can actually, TRULY love someone.

    Btw, don’t be tempted to get too down over this. Some people have been married for years and years before they figure this out - not that “everyone poops”, bc that you figure out quite quickly, you know?:-P - but bc life can get busy, and leave you not that much time to think (there’s school, maybe college, maybe grad school, there’s work, there’s kids, it’s all A LOT!), some people in the past could get quite far into a marriage without ever fully realizing the full impact of what this means; that women are full-on people too. So, if you have time to think, and the willingness to do so, think about it, and see where that takes you.:-) 😉

  • You can see for yourself that slinging accusations at others is only making it worse. In the real world, people have made all kinds of allowances for you (you didn’t have to ask, they’ve done it since birth), but on the internet, nobody can see things like your age, your religion, what part of the world you are from, how sexually (in-)experienced you are, your privilege (wealth, class, etc.) status, and so much more. And here, people can be brutally honest, at least in sharing what they think of you (even if their own belief structures are themselves based on lies). TLDR: people downvote things that they “don’t like”, and upvote things that they “do like”.

    Your comment obviously does not match the “vibe” of !ShowerThoughts@lemmy.world… so, you did not predict that, but now you know - thus you are already smarter than you were just an hour before, or at least could be if you take the feedback to heart:-).

    If you want more advice: hold fast to whatever principles you believe in - maybe Truth? perhaps Humility? do you perchance enjoy vindictiveness, or do you hate it, especially if it is done to you in reverse? Whatever those are, then there you go: you don’t need me telling you what to do - you already know.

    Btw, I hope my words also expose how you were being hypocritical in sharing your original thought. But if it will help I will lay it out more plainly & transparently: girls do something totally normal, but you (arbitrarily?) decide that it is “bad”, so now “Women have been ruined for me” (it’s your thought fine, but how do you think “women” feel after reading that?) - do you not see how that is exactly what others are doing to you right now (having decided that what you did is “bad”, and now slinging insults at you - that part of this exchange you do not seem to enjoy quite as much?). This isn’t even a religious principle, it’s a foundational law of the entire universe - equivalent exchange, or whatever name you want to call it by - if you cannot receive something directed back at you, then perhaps do not dish it out at others in return? It is unkind, and what is more, it is not smart. Perhaps your family never taught you that - maybe they tried, or perhaps they did not know themselves - but now that you have heard this message, it is your choice what to do with it: either pay attention and learn, or reject it and continue to do whatever.


  • It helps to remember that girls are people. This video explains the secrets though (yes it’s the infamous CollegeHumor skit, which apparently needs to make the rounds again:-P).

    Pro-Tip: even guys that don’t belch and fart and spit and pick their nose and scratch their balls or pits and stuff literally everywhere they go without holding back can also look just as classy too:-). Also, again even as a guy, consider wearing an undershirt to not show nipples.

    It’s not about girl vs. guy, it’s about classy vs. not.

    Don’t argue back - just do whatever you want, but you asked the entire Fediverse and I answered.

  • He seems to think like a mathematician or philosopher and enjoyed considering each of those items separately, in isolation from one another - plus as a YouTuber, he needs to release moar content, moar often, so multiple videos helps him maintain his existence that way as opposed to a single, larger video, especially on a complex topic that since it is >1 minute long, the vast majority of people are not going to watch anyway.:-P

    But anyway, if he’s already mathematically proved certain things about e.g. ranked-choice, and how it differs from whatever else, then why should he bother going further into the weeds, that the vast majority of people don’t care the tiniest bit about? After all, a look at basically every election ever, especially recently, reveals that the common people know next to nothing about how the system works. e.g. people voting against Hillary Clinton in 2016, either by voting 3rd party, or switching to the “Never Hillary” movement to actively vote for Trump, but then being shocked - shocked I tell you! SHOOKETH! - when he won. So if we can’t figure out that 1+1=2, then differential calculus, much less simple algebra, is going to be beyond us (collectively) as well.

    So, I took it as not that he refused to consider those other possibilities, just that he was focusing his description to explain one thing in isolation of other concepts, as much as possible at least. e.g. regardless of whether he should have been talking about (or naming it as) FPTP, that’s what he was aiming to do, so that’s what he did.

    About the Rules for Rulers I think similarly as above but also: the “rulers” there aren’t necessarily the ones in charge, as is true for the monarchies & totalitarian regimes, but rather the “voters” who put those people in charge. In that formulation, why should the non-voters (e.g. literal children, people who are mentally disabled, etc.) have power over & above that of the voters, i.e. the responsible “rulers”?

    Although that is exactly what always ends up happening… eventually, in any such system. Imagine a person who votes, individually, but then also is responsible for gerrymandering a district of lets say a million people. So they should have had power equal to 1/1000000, though instead they overturned the decisions of those million people and single-handedly altered the election, FAR in excess of their individual voting power. They cannot overturn the collective weight of a full million voters all speaking with a single unified voice… but they could make a vote for e.g. 1/10th vs. 9/10ths end up with the former rather than the latter being in charge, which is pretty damn powerful (it doesn’t have to be “perfect”, it just has to work - possibly in conjunction with other things like removing certain classes of people as voters). So here, irl rather than in pure theory in isolation of irl considerations, “rulers” end up NOT being the voters, but rather those in charge b/c they are willing to cheat the system, to keep themselves in charge or at least others exactly like them, using non-voting schemes. i.e. it is the True Rulers™ who are “in charge” rather than the voting ones, who were put into place by non-voting systems, so the entire system gets turned upon its head and does if not 100% then still effectively the opposite of what it was originally intended to - that is, it ignores/overturns votes rather than uses them to determine the outcomes of elections.

    So if we, the aspiring rulers i.e. voters, wish to actually rule, then we need to know what we are up against. And if others cheat… well then that does not mean that we have to as well, but we should at least be aware that that is what is going on!?! To some degree at least, even if not 100%, hence it is “biased” and “unfair” and “rigged”. That is what I took from those videos, collectively.

  • Somewhat.

    If the poster themselves removed it, then no - these usually shows up as “deleted” rather than “removed” (but not always). Sometimes apps that don’t properly pay attention to the removal request can still see these, but I know of no effective way to view these routinely, short of spinning up your own instance and archiving not only every post and comment but also all of their edits as well.

    For mod removal, you can check the modlog (for your instance here, or the one for Lemmy.World, both of which theoretically should show the same contents, but in practice they don’t for whatever reasons). Note that is the entire modlog for the entire Fediverse, so it requires filtering to find the specific post/comment that you want to know about. The Lemmy devs could help people see the modlog much easier, but they don’t. They don’t seem too big on such democratic efforts, and very often simply ban people outright, from the entire instance including communities they’ve never once visited, if you ever criticize what they say or if you say something that they do not agree with. Though they did recently release a feature to allow mods to do this - further increasing the power of the establishment, while leaving common plebes like us to have to filter the modlog (which also can hide the identity of the mod who removed it).

    Ergo, I would not hold my breath waiting for this feature. At least not on Lemmy, but perhaps from the more democratically-managed PieFed or Sublinks or Mbin or such… I could really see that happening for those?

    Edit: oh but for text like the “removed”, hell no, that’s also a lost cause - at least, again, on the Lemmy codebase, unless you use an instance that decides not to implement the language filtering.

  • I meant like a daily usage situation - e.g. working from a terminal, running MacVim, and things like Firefox and Slack etc. all work fine from a Mac - but I don’t self-host, and I run actual Mac OSX itself, so my answers may be of limited utility to you.

    If someone else is reading this I would look into running a Jellfin server from a machine running Linux, which can be connected to from a device running iOS or Android or whatever they want - but your kodi+mpd already sounds like it should do the trick.

    Hopefully you can avoid running Mac OSX itself, but if that’s not possible then perhaps at worst you could get a machine that does that and then partially isolate it on the network? (though that is beyond my skillset:-)

    For TV I just an ancient ChromeCast (iirc it’s a first-generation even!) and that works from everything (ironically one of the harder solutions was from Samsung mobile, though even ancient iPads have apps that will make it happen). I worry about when my TV and especially the ChromeCast dies what will I do - it will take so much time to investigate a replacement, it seems all/most of the newer solutions are trying to inject ads or whatever into the stream, or even just not working as simply as the old. Mine is security through obscurity, which only works for so long until the hardware flat wears out:-).

    And I barely have a backup solution - just a single SSD that I put stuff onto when I think about it, and is aging so when it too wears out… I have so much catching up that I need to do, I’m setting myself up for pain most likely:-(. But also I tend to “stream” most things rather than “download”, so my need for thus is extremely much smaller.