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Cake day: January 23rd, 2024


  • I used to take my twin daughters to the park and we would have daddy day while their mom was at work swing shifts.

    We had pizza at the park, and it worked out because changing their diapers on a shitty blanket was easier than fumbling around on a bench since no one thought to put a diaper tray in any of the men’s restrooms.

    Had the police called on me a few times. Never did they take the call seriously after showing up. One female officer told a Karen that she is annotating this as a fraud call because anyone with half a brain would realize it’s a dad eating pizza with his kids rather than a kidnapper molesting children in public.

    Mom changes a diaper? No one cares.

  • I had a professor do this to me. Was an adult going to night school, in my last year. She was about ten years older than me and we hit it off in a way I assumed was a professional student/teacher relationship. Had this with other professors as well.

    She told me to meet her at a hotel once, thought she was joking and when I didn’t show was furious. Told her it just seemed odd, and she told me she is getting another one this weekend and not to worry about it, but if I didn’t show there would be consequences.

    Through a lot of double speak she let me know if it didn’t happen, there would be no graduation for me. Not knowing what to do, bought a pack of condoms and showed up to the hotel. “No, we aren’t using those”. And that was several of my weekends until graduation. There was zero possibility of saying no, and no one to complain to. I can tell the story online and that’s about it.

  • I was awarded a patent that was going to make mine and the company it supported a lot of money. (Of course I didn’t get any of it, but whatever) I was invited to go have steaks with the customer company and to pack some comfortable clothes, spend a few days in Texas. What I didn’t realize was who was going to be there.

    We didn’t have steaks in the normal way of let’s sit down at the fancy building and eat. It was the board of directors, those guys who own the company. They wanted to take the engineers out for a few days. When the management and CEO tried to come along, they did a “why are you talking to us? Get back to work”. They wanted to hear about how we came up with this stuff.

    Took their Suburban convoy out to an oasis country club and we were given some pants and new shirts. Nothing special I thought, but they were some special member’s club gift they give out. We went shooting, and their shotguns cost more than my house. Told them I feel weird holding it. “Nah! If you drop it it’s fine! Can get another one”

    These guys had more money than I could fathom, but none of it seemed show-off, Gucci handbag level stuff. It was all made to look like nicer stuff you would buy from Macy’s. It was all custom tailored just for them. They didn’t need to show off to each other at that point. It was a fun couple of days. We stayed there, I had a room all to myself that was more like a master bedroom than a hotel.

    I tried to find out where breakfast was and the staff laughed. “It’s ok, what would you like? We will bring it to your room.”