It’s just you
It’s just you
You could try to be less paranoid and less of a pussy
No I won’t, it’s shit and the fad will be gone in no time. Have fun with text trolling while it’s tolerated.
I didn’t say what you implied, I said the text is a hot mess.
Yes - if the text gets worse then yes.
Wow this is hard to read. So was this a man or a woman? Nobody knows maybe it was a thing. Or legion.
If you hate yourself enough, any will do
Every second of discovery
Why do you lie like this?
When you’re just trying to get work done: pick Windows.
The first one for me was Alley cat in the early 80s. Later test drive for DOS and Mario bros.
For home desktop use you really shouldn’t.
Did your Debian system stop crashing all the time?
Yes, regularly.
It was glorious. Websites made with a texteditor. Fansites for games and TV shows. Ever pic took a good while to load line after line (we mid-boobies now!). IRC chat and slapping fish around. Usenet for serious discussions and help. Picking up a girl on a X-Files messageboard. A while later my mind was blown away by MP3. You could do what?! Download music. A track for only 30 minutes?! Wtf! Oh yeah, and MP3 encoding was done on the command line without gui. The mid 90s internet was awesome.
Oh I realised what sub this is but that makes shit arguments not better. This subject makes the sub look stupid, it shouldn’t have been posted.