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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Hi I’m someone else, I’m an architectural technologist and used to work at a structural engineering firm.

    The engineers don’t have professional responsibilities they have financial and familial obligations that are threatened by the kinds of people who have too much power and not enough brains. They don’t owe their employer fucking diddly-squat, especially if that employer is asking them to endanger others. It is unfortunate that 90% of the construction industry is pretty backwards.

    As for the being fired for upholding a legal and moral responsibility I’m literally doing nothing on my couch on a Monday morning because some very fragile people didn’t like that I refused to draw up plans for an illegal stair(I have a certification in the building code). They got mad at me based solely on their woeful misunderstanding of the applicable code(they literally didn’t even know they had to update their physical copy every year and fought me on it). Unfortunately it’s hard to prove so all I could really do was take screenshots before I lost access and send them to the province’s professional engineering association to at least get them into some kind of trouble. They took the case but it was probably just a “they’re stupid and it’s a first reported offence so we’ll give them a warning” kinda thing, but still.

    I would do it all again, too, because fuck that guy and fuck anyone who tries to scare me into compliance. I’m one of not many people who can weather the storm of unemployment and I’m not going to disrespect those who can’t risk fighting back by being a coward.

  • Right but if Windows is now becoming a problem then it’s a start. And so many software developers I know use MacBooks for their job and say that they’re just better for the work. Microsoft is hoping that the fear of change means they can do whatever they want, if they even have any thoughts in their thick heads at all that is, and don’t seem to realize that at some point even the most devoted users will have to face the fact that there are better options.

    Fuck Windows, it’s such an ass product that’s only selling point right now that some key products don’t work on anything else simply because the developers of them don’t want to do the work and not because it has some magic sauce that a Mac or Linux machine doesn’t.

  • Love is not a logical thing and applying such rigidity is not a statistically very effective approach. It’s a social thing, dating, and you kinda need to play the game. The upside is that it’s a fun game if you play it right. It is random, and that’s just part of it. I would argue that the randomness is actually one of the main reasons it can be so enjoyable.

    Many of the people who might call it a “warzone” are frustrated men, who are mad that women are putting up with less bullshit these days, and those same women who are dealing with a large amount of those entitled, aforementioned men.

  • There’s plenty to show that tailgating is the entire reason for “rush hour” traffic. Not allowing others to merge safely means you end up with people being cut off or slowed down constantly. Everyone wants to be going the fastest but no one wants to go the quickest.

    I leave a huge amount of space on the highway and cruise at a more constant speed to avoid this issue. It always helps traffic behind me flow better. My favourite was a guy behind me who was super pissed off and ran into the on-ramp lane to pass me, honked a bunch, floored it, and then had to slam on the brakes to avoid absolutely obliterating the car in front of me. My car is 50in tall, it’s not hard to see around but people just don’t get it. I figured it out by myself the very first time I went on the highway and yet…

    It’s different at lights and stuff, of course, but only a little. Regardless it just goes to show that people have no idea what they’re doing and a whole lot of pent up rage to really make it “fun”.

  • I’m sorry, bud, that sounds awful.

    I’m in the middle of my third month unemployed now. Sent out a bunch of applications and had some HR interviews but man, no one wants to pay even what I was previously making let along anything liveable.

    One place was a referral and they liked me a lot but, only slightly paraphrased, “didn’t want to start our partnership on the wrong foot by offering too low a salary”. Like bro you’ve already insulted me just give me the fucking offer and let me decide. Another place got to the second interview and it all went great and then I was ghosted and no one answered my follow-up email.

    Every job I see wants me to work on-site 2hrs away from the city in some small town for pennies. And that’s only if I’m lucky enough to see the salary! The rest hide them so people who are more desperate than I am low-ball themselves in order to not scare away potential jobs. It’s so completely fucked up.

    Not a single damn company will even acknowledge that inflation is real so I cannot afford to take lower pay just to watch it get worse every single year. The answer to every single one of our fucking problems all the way down to toxic masculinity I feel can definitely or at least probably be answered by PAYING EMPLOYEES PROPERLY SO THEY AREN’T CONSTANTLY IN FIGHT MODE. I see things like “how to increase the productivity of your workforce!” and just think pay them and give them the basic respect they deserve as living, breathing human beings and they’ll happily do a lot for you.

    Companies are entitled. They clearly can’t afford to exist if they can’t pay their employees but instead of shutting down with grace they tell us it’s our fault. It’s fucking insane.

  • Personally I’m excited that we kinda are hitting the reset button. It absolutely isn’t a guarantee but it’s closer than it’s ever been to working.

    Capitalism is the attempt to keep feudalism going and it’s collapsing in on itself. With the speed that technology now moves within a person’s lifetime we can see how the usual tricks just don’t work as well. We’ve also got baseline regulations keeping things like lead out of the air and giving at least some basic human rights to people who historically would be kicked around by even the better societies. Rightwing parties are stronger and meaner because they’re afraid but their bases shrink even with the normally unifying nationalist rhetoric being pushed. Fuck even Israel is finally being told off and Hamas is being treated far closer to rebels than terrorists which, considering all the precedent set, is pretty extra wild!

    We are moving forward. It doesn’t mean that there aren’t people fighting to hold us back but it’s happening anyway and will continue to happen so long as we keep standing up for ourselves.

  • It’s a parody if you’re so defensive you misunderstand the difference between a personal vehicle and a firetruck, I suppose.

    When the big street near me turns pedestrian there’s always bollard access for delivery vehicles to all the shops. They aren’t the huge, permanent kind but the sorta that a firetruck or ambulance could absolutely plow right through. Traffic going perpendicular is slow enough that they don’t need to be there for safety so it works super well.

    Basically every argument against the idea that maybe cars don’t need to be on every single street requires an astounding level of ignorance and an equal amount of desire to not change that lack of knowledge. Just let it happen, it’s ok.