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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • We can reliably screen for HIV (all blood donations are) why the fuck are homosexuals discriminated against over this.

    except that the tests are (per cdc) up to 90 days late in detection. So you may get infected and spend 3 months testing negative.

    And judging by OPs being german, where the rule (admittedly only since 2021) is “you may only have fucked one guy for the last 4 months”, this seems like being on the safe side, but not completely excessive to me.

  • I’ve donated plenty of times, because it makes sense that there is no other way to save lives than to donate.

    On the other hand, I’ve been wondering for years, that while I’ve been told a million times that “blood reserves are low - donate blood now!”, I’ve not ever heard that a single person died due to lack of available blood.
    Why would something like that not be reported if you want to motivate people to donate?

    My personal guess is that this comes because “lack of avaiable blood donations” isn’t a valid cause of death, the cause of death is whatever else (gun shot wound, knife severed artery / complication during surgery etc), thus it’s hard to pinpoint. Also Doctors may try to “save” blood, when they know little is available, and people may die that may have lived if they had gotten (more) blood, but also they may not have and it is hard to tell.

  • Words like this is a spit in the face of humanity.

    was Israel not attacked?

    I genuinely have issues trying to discern the propaganda from the facts.

    from what I gathered, I believed that Israel just took some land on which other people were living ~70 years ago, displacing these people.
    Those peoples didn’t like being displaced and tensions grew, until attacks happened on Israel, to which Israel had mixed responses with violence and suppression, rinse, repeat and escalate for decades.

    Now Israel had it with attacks from Palestine, and is going with the only chance it sees at maybe stopping it, which is a very violent war, presumably with the target of breaking the hope of resistance for Palestine (probably with lessons from the US interventions of the last 50-ish years where more civilized approaches failed)

    If this (very simplified) view were correct, it seems that they are acting out of self defense, at least if you accept the existence of Israel, because if not they are the aggressors for occupying the space in the first place.

  • I’ve been wondering if it really is the right decision to put things on display which have both, a significant material value, and historical value.

    The gold of these gold coins seems to have had roughly 250,000€ in value.
    That seems like a lot of incentive to steal and melt it down.

    And what is the benefit of displaying the actual items? It’s not rare that the public is only shown a fake, one that just looks good enough to get the impression of the item.

    I was thinking (and haven’t decided yet if the idea is good) that stuff of this nature (material value + historical value) may be better off being in a more secured place somewhere, where it still can be studied by people when required, but the public can’t get at it as easily. With fakes being shown in Museums. Those fakes could them allow more interaction (like touching a dinosaur teeth/bones), and the original doesn’t suffer damage from people touching it, light and/or people stealing it and melting it down.