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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • And buying that requires knowledge of amazon, knowledge of what phone is useful, knowledge to avoid a scam or faulty product, an email address, a credit card, and a device to order from.

    Children are surprisingly clever and have all the time in the world, but they aren’t professional pen-testers and don’t have the experience needed to use online services before having access to them.

    It’s far more likely they get a hand-me-down device from a friend and keep it at school, especially if they know such a thing would be confiscated immediately upon discovery. Preventing this interaction would require control over the child’s life nearing Amish levels, or prison levels.

  • You can’t find a single example from r/Overwatch? You’re not looking very hard then:

    “Jump scare at the end of POG” “Supports almost never get POG, now we don’t even get a card at the end of the match.” “First POG is match POG” “We want to talk after the PoG” “This guy’s whole team left after the first round so we gave him POG…” “Behind every Rein Pog is a support going through a rollercoaster of emotions” “I remember when PoG was tweaked for assist points and every pog was Mercy rezzing two people and dying.” “My friends and I have always called it POG. Not sure why but its what we do. I guess thats where it came from”

    In fact, the large majority of the use of “pog” refers to Play Of Game and not hype. I did notice that this usage is more common in the last 4 years, while pogchamp is mostly used 4-7 years ago. The earliest upvoted usage of POG I can find there is “Taking Trobjorn and Bastion POG into a new dimension.” from 8 years ago though, so it was used contemporaneously with PogChamp.

    POTG is definitely much more popular there, but saying the POG usage doesn’t exists is just wrong.

    Also, news organizations have a horrendous record with slang, that’s terrible evidence. Especially when your source is a 404.

    Besides, I can get spurious souces too (and they work!):

    POG” an overused term on twitch that means “Play of Game” Woah, that was pog. by SSR Rules September 23, 2020

  • Ad moderation won’t happen until there’s a unified group which can moderate ads and can’t gain from being more permissive. Basically, advertisers need to unionize against their own common interest to increase the quantity of ads.

    This has kind of happened already in the form of sponsorships, where each ad is vetted and can be rejected on a case-by-case basis. Each presenter is acting alone in this case however, letting bad sponsors slip through. Bad sponsors are often slammed on in feedback though.

    Perhapse if advertisers could remove their heads from their posteriors for a moment they might see that neutrally read ads with no music would drive far fewer people to block them, but this could only work if all ads on a platform were limited in this way, and such regulations could be reliable and specific enough to make blocking more hassle than it’s worth.

    I’m having difficulty imagining a blocker driven agreement though, as any level of leeway for ads would all but require compensation, and that’s 99% of the way to corruption already.

    However, this all could only work if for-profic companies could be convinced to not seek every possible profit at every point immediately, which is unlikely.

  • In my experience (which is anecdotal at best), cats can express wildly different levels of intelligence between even littermates, and especially between people interacting with them. Just because you failed to negotiate with them doesn’t mean they’re incapable of doing what you want them to.

    Psychology is notoriously difficult to draw conclusions from because it’s so hard to isolate the variables. It’s cool to learn some less mainstream science though!