Wouldn’t the starch break down into an equivalent amount of sugar during digestion?
Wouldn’t the starch break down into an equivalent amount of sugar during digestion?
11,000 miles (18,000 kilometers)
To put that into perspective, the circumference of the earth is ~24,000 miles. From my rough Google Earth calculations, the stated range covers the entire planet except for a tiny sliver of Antarctica and a bit of the ocean nearby.
Why would Russia need a missile with that range? Unless they just really want to take out New Zealand first, it kinda seems like they just picked the largest sensible range value (12,000 miles, halfway around the planet) and then fudged it down a bit because why would you need to fire a missile more than halfway around the planet? Just fire it in the opposite direction.
We’ve reached the point where they can’t make phones any bigger unless you can fold them up.
Agreed though it seems nuts to pay more for a “feature” on your phone that will only cause it to wear out faster.
I assume your project wasn’t based on ChatGPT? It feels like a lot of the AI hate is directed at ChatGPT and its current hype wave.
I had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find a comment that mentioned using an app if some kind to help organize these tasks.
This one sounds interesting, I’ll check it out.
I’ve recently noticed the same thing with cloudflare and Google captchas while using a VPN. I just use Bing instead while on the VPN because I never get past the Google captchas, or at least I give up after 2 or 3.
It also seems like the resolution of the browser has some impact with cloudflare. If I open a browser window in the corner of the screen, I’m basically guaranteed to get more cloudflare captchas, but if I open it full screen I only get one, maybe two.
From the quick googling I did at work, it seems that there are different types of starches that digest at different rates. Whole grain cereals are in the slower-to-digest category *and might not get digested fully.
I personally suspect that the process of making oat milk - blending and straining the oats - makes them easier to digest and probably has an impact on GI. So it’s probably a wash.