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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I can agree with this. If we moved to public transit through the utilization of railways and bus routes, would you say the cost of maintenance then moved to the Local and State governing bodies? One might conclude that roadwork costs would decrease positively with the reduction in traffic. There would also be higher maintenance costs, all offset by taxes.

    What about the logistics of these operations?

    The initial start-up costs?

    The time?

    The petty small suburban neighborhoods who claim buses increase homeless presence in their neighborhoods?

    There would also need to be a fundamental cultural shift on the Professional level.

    I know we don’t really have all the answers. I just want to make sure we are aware that moving this needle is more than dropping a couple magic bus lines down in each major city, and running a railroad from Point A to B. We do need less cars. I wish I could walk to work. All of this requires an almost mind-boggling amount of preparation and then work to even get started.

    Gotta be realistic, otherwise we’ll never get anywhere.

  • I love reading and playing Chess. Writing is a personal passion and maaan do I love to talk about psychology, sociology, and the larger sciences. At the same time I do enjoy exercise such as hiking and exploring in general, though I need someone to pull me out to actually do these things. Otherwise, I’ll stay home and read, play games, and continue to learn the motherfucking piano, which is proving to be a nice challenge.

    Intelligence here is simply someone who is curious and driven enough to ask questions. Solid +3 modifier to sexiness if they’re smarter than me. Like, let me listen to you talk about amphibians, historical setbacks, or how a geological formation potentially created a series of tunnels full of mystery and allure. I eat that shit up.

  • Where companies with monopolies are found to gain that title by ousting competitors and brutal buyouts and tactics literally every time, Valve exists. Literally. They just exist. Big difference between a monopoly and the best.

    Other companies also exist. In fact there are several launchers and two other digital distributors, and several websites, where one can purchase games. There are some things Steam is shit on. The still feels old interface as a broad example. Competitors could push in, like Epic. Instead, they manage to create the next step up from a gold-tainted dung pile, shit on their own launcher or store stability and performance, and create an experience so bad that Steam is able, through the fuckups of their rivals, maintain a market majority.

  • Exactly why “we” is important. People are struggling and it’s difficult to consider the world when your own life is falling apart.

    Unfortunately I don’t have a true solution to this beyond the need for a real leader to step up. Well…there is another solution, though I’d rather not speak of it for fear of ending up on a list. It’s also not one I support. Still, I feel strongly that we can find our way.

    At the very least I’m not just going to roll over.

  • I was taught a lesson when I was younger that you cannot compare your trauma to that of another. I also learned that it isn’t rage which defines progress, it is determination. Apathy, a loss of hope, quells the spirit and stunts progress. Those not on the Right are especially individualistic. We cater to the spirit of independence, while also celebrating love and community, though always as individuals to individuals. It’s not “I” or “Myself” that makes the change. The shift happens when we step up together and change sets in when there is a united, achievable goal.

    In near every recent movement the Left has been a part of with the exception of Bernie, there has been nothing that was clearly defined and clearly achievable. Just a bunch of angry people loosely pointing fingers. FeelTheBern DID work and imagine how things may have been different not if Bernie had been elected, but if we with our strength of spirit continued down a united path. Bernie’s ENTIRE message was never about getting him elected, it was always about us coming together and being active as one.

    I’m sad that so many people seem to have forgotten that.

  • I’d appreciate if people just like you would stop taking any solace and tolerating this bs. The ONLY reason this shit continues to happen is because too many people do nothing. Then when asked they get defensive and say, “What am I supposed to do?!” followed by “What are you doing?!” Like guys, you’re smart enough to recognize the perils of these industries, read journals and papers, and internalize the evidence, and you can’t fucking do a quick Google search on activism and even lightly contemplate entering yourself into local politics?

    Come now.

  • When an individual does that, they are doing so with a clear choice that they made. In a war, men die and leave families behind, and because they chose to defend their country, they are used to defend the interests of those with long swords and heavy sticks. They die without a choice far too often because they were tricked into believing they defend their homes.

    All too often they’re forced into conflict that has very little to do with that choice. If our military didn’t try so hard to coerce and trick younger people into joining and thus being forced into conflict, I would be a bit less resentful and hateful towards the practice. That, however, is not the case.