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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • You have a good point I was a bit too black and white with my comment. There definitely seems to be a correlation between size and violence of terrorist groups, and the human rights of the area they riside in.

    Also totally agree that it can happen to me. Gotta acknowledge that you don’t really know anything and you are pretty much always just taking someone’s word for things. I believe the Earth is round, but I’m just taking people’s word for it.

  • I see you. That makes sense. I struggle with the grayness of reality and the duality of definitions we impose on it yk? Not to say I’m against the definitions, just that things get confusing for me.

    Like Matter is just energy, how close does matter/energy have to be to call a perturbation in that system a quasi particle. And, if we think the the fundamental fields physically exist then are they made of anything, and if so wouldn’t they likely be made of some type of energy? Is that energy close enough to call our fundamental particles quasi particles?

  • Damn. I see how that can be a hard line to draw. I definitely am against that in my immediate reaction, but I also am very disconnected from either community. I do not know how people who have been abused in that way navigate their trauma. Hopefully we all get better at communicating over time. It’s unfortunate how black and white people see things, and how when they see something as wrong they’ll consider it beyond discussion, not worth thinking about. Good luck with moderation in the future.