human garbage

  • 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • I don’t know what’s скороварка on English, I guess it’s an easy rice cooking and heating device that can be set on timer. Buy one, then disassemble it and see where heating elements of that thing are. Tape them on you hard drives, better if they are SSDs, set the timer, put it into a wall socket and leave. If you are of adventurous kind, do the same with microwave’s transmitter, pointing it out of the box, but be cautious as fuck because this shit can cook your balls or head in seconds.

    or, better yet

    You know that most MBs have special contacts for power\reset buttons? You can do two circles to them, one is for you to power up the system normally from some secret button and one from a normal button is to trigger some funsies with things easily triggered by current or heat, like dry gunpowder. So when some ABC agent would try to power up your machine, some funny thing occurs.

    and if you are worried about it being disassembled in their lab, print big stickers that stick components to their slots, like OEM fuckers do, and then put cheap razorblades under them near the edge of said stickers. That’s a lifehack nazis and then punks used to deny their posters from getting easily ripped off.

  • Thank you.

    For me, it’s edging on absurdity and feeling like I’m the one who feel like we are going insane, but luckily for me I found my close knit circle of friends who share that feeling and I myself adapted to see everything through some lense of satire. Even though I live in it.

    What still hurts tho is how my relatives and people around are so uninformed and hostile to everything ukrainian or just european, even if they talk about relatives there, and then they are just like ‘why they don’t like us’ lol. Yeah, like, no reason. And then they order IKEA-like furniture for their flats because it’s of european quality!

    My sanity is saved by my partner, my friends and my still intact trust in people, even if they are dumb af.

  • You are right. I asked Venice AI and that’s what it printed back:

    Weapon-grade plutonium refers to plutonium that is highly enriched in the isotope plutonium-239 (Pu-239), which is suitable for use in nuclear weapons. It typically contains more than 90% Pu-239, with the remaining percentage consisting of other plutonium isotopes, such as Pu-240 and Pu-241.

    Plutonium is not typically found in its pure form in nature and is usually produced through a process involving uranium. The production of weapon-grade plutonium involves several steps:

    1. Mining: Uranium ore is extracted from mines.
    2. Milling: The uranium ore is processed into a concentrated form called yellowcake (U3O8).
    3. Enrichment: The yellowcake is then converted into uranium hexafluoride gas (UF6) and enriched to increase the concentration of the U-235 isotope, which can undergo a chain reaction.
    4. Irradiation: The enriched uranium (typically around 3-5% U-235) is formed into fuel rods and irradiated in a nuclear reactor, where it undergoes neutron-induced reactions.
    5. Transmutation: During irradiation, some of the U-238 atoms absorb neutrons and undergo a series of radioactive decays, resulting in the formation of Pu-239.
    6. Reprocessing: After irradiation, the fuel rods are removed from the reactor and reprocessed to separate the plutonium from other radioactive materials.

    The resulting plutonium can be further purified and separated into different isotopes using various chemical and physical processes, including solvent extraction, ion exchange, or electromagnetic separation.

    The production of weapon-grade plutonium requires careful control over the neutron flux and irradiation time to minimize the formation of unwanted isotopes like Pu-240, which can make it more difficult to achieve a nuclear explosion.

    It’s worth noting that not all plutonium produced through this process has weapons-grade purity. Reactor-grade plutonium, for example, typically contains around 50-60% Pu-239 and is not suitable for use in nuclear weapons due to its higher content of unwanted isotopes.

    So someone somehow likely obtained a noticeable amount of already enriched plutonium to sell to this yakuza guy.