Well at the Prisma I go to we just scan products into bags in the store (you have your bags open the shopping cart)
Well at the Prisma I go to we just scan products into bags in the store (you have your bags open the shopping cart)
If it doesn’t understand what it’s saying can you really say it knows it? It has access to a lot of training data so it can get many things correct, but it’s effectively just generating the most likely answer from the training data
Why would you want that?
AI does not know things, it’s answers depend on the wording of the guestion. I guess it could be used if limited (teaching how to use it responsibly and showing how they make mistakes even in very simple situations)
Much like a calculator both are more effective if you know what is happening so you can catch the mistakes and fix them
Trained on 99% reposts
But often the people buying huge trucks are also against abortion
And you blame Europe for America’s bad financing and decisions to arm their opponents?
America doesn’t do things so that other countries don’t have to sacrifice as much… why do people think countries and companies have feelings
America runs on military so they need to keep demand up, US weapons companies spend money on lobbying and politicians who can affect US military outcomes own stocks in those companies
Why would politicians cut down on military budget when every increase in it also increases their net worth?
The US could cut its military budget by half and still continue to do what they do
They waste a huge amount of money for literally nothing just like their police force
There are too many ineffective middlemen
I play chess and I have a… a friend who uses a vibrator
So ofc it’s real, just not Hans
It doesn’t only happen in the US
Companies don’t have feelings
Regulations are the way to fix things, just asking companies or their CEOs to be nice doesn’t work
The ideal company perfectly maximizes profit, we just should work towards implementing for example 4 day work weeks, higher minimum wage and other great things using regulations
Effectively we should have an ever evolving cat and mouse game where regulations for companies keep getting stricter and stricter to improve the lives of the many because who would have guessed that weekends for example didn’t completely destroy the world like company spokepeople said
Shell isn’t keeping it either The bastards (CEO, CFO…) are getting bigger bonuses instead since they did such a good job
As long as shell uses some of that money for lobbying that isn’t going to happen
Tbf it’s starting to be too late, even if they were pro nuclear it’s going to take like 20 years
“Funding awful people doesn’t make me awful” Say sike right now
you like baked in ads, crypto, falsely using people to promote your browser… oof
He could be alive, but there is no real reason for him to not come forward to prove he is alive (Russia would know he didn’t die in that plane after testing)
So he is dead
The plane actually jumped out of a hotel window and landed on some unexploded ordnance
Meanwhile the US bans books for being too sexual
We probably want it, but can get more with another
Kind of like they support this because they want to stop or slow down a more broad bill from passing in the near future
Oh great
I wish war crimes and those helping them would get penalties