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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • No. We sell our services overseas. Most of our education industry (in dollar value) is international. We provide STEM services, legal services, financial services, etc to other countries etc.

    Taking a step back there is no difference in your question between a national economy and the entire world economy. 64% of the world economy is services.

    So no, services aren’t an inferior category of the economy. Manufacturing is fundamentally a service there are just foods involved. You can fuck up manufacturing by making something you can’t sell for more than it cost to make or even sell for less than it costs to make. This is harder to do with services, or at least feedback is quicker because you don’t hold inventory of services.

    So then how do we grow the economy if all everyone is just doing is Services for everyone else. This is the fundamental problem with capitalism. There are only two ways. Population growth and debt. But that’s a lesson for another day.

  • Not @niknah and I’m gonna guess they think it’s the coming lord and saviour. But it will be a part of technology going forward so kids should be taught what it is and isn’t.

    It’s a cross between Siri and predictive text. It guesses and makes up things in an authoritative voice. So kids / people need to be taught not to trust it.

    It’s basically a blender of the entire internet. It’ll just as likely tell you the pyramids were built by aliens because there are more words on the internet written about that then about the actual construction. Ask about any notable historical figure mainly known by their last name and their accomplishment and it’ll make up a random first name and fictional biography about them. Because all it’s doing is making sentences/paragraphs/stories from their component parts weighted by other words that are likely to go near them.

    It’s not going to cure cancer or even write a Wikipedia article correctly, but it might actually do fictional writers out of a job.

  • For a lot of people, the family home is the only investment they have outside of super. They’re estatic as it goes up.

    Don’t get me wrong, It’s unsustainable that house prices double every ten years when the price of money only doubles every twenty years. But whilst it does nobody wants to rock the boat.

    How do you think so many people afford 80k+ cars? They use the equity in their property and only have to pay mortgage interest rates on it (over the mortgage term too,not a 5 year car loan). Not growing equity will mean they can’t get the 4WD, boat and pool of their dreams.

    There’s a strong incentive for the landed gentry to keep the status quo.

  • For the purposes of this Schedule, dissemination of content using a digital service is misinformation on the digital service if:

    (a) the content contains information that is false, misleading or deceptive; and

    (b)the content is not excluded content for misinformation purposes; and

    © the content is provided on the digital service to one or more end-users in Australia; and

    (d) the provision of the content on the digital service is reasonably likely to cause or contribute to serious harm.

    Draft bill located here

    I think the last one is key.

    Also the bill doesn’t empower the government to make individual rulings on misinformation. It says sites have to follow an industry code of practice to have systems in place to keep on top of misinformation.

    Think of it as a way to avoid another Cronulla, or any of the pizza gate/Qanon shit happening here. i.e when news is breaking, sure let it through in the fog of war. But don’t let people post for years that the election was stolen by the deep state kiddy fiddler alliance.

  • Dear god your reading comprehension is terrible.

    Who is “we”?

    Society, everyone, progressives, anyone who agrees everyone was created equal and deserves equal respect, anyone who agrees the system is still fucked and we can and should change it for the better.

    What do you mean by “our job”?

    Improving the system to improve the rights, respect and outcomes for everyone.

    We only just legalised gay marriage and homosexuality was still illegal in some places in Australia under 25 years ago. There is still plenty of discrimination going on in this place that needs sorting out.

    Stop trying to play the white saviour card. It’s bullshit. I fully acknowledge the British invaders where shit to the First Nations and committed genocide. It’s been a shit time for the original inhabitants for the first two hundred plus years of colonisation. No white saviour going on there. But now we have an option to decide what we can do to make the world a better place and it’s not to set up hundreds of semi-sovereign enclaves that will turn out shit for the marginalised individuals in them.

  • No I didn’t ? I specifically called out that this exists in modern Australian society? I provided examples of indigenous issues so you couldn’t accuse me of making this out of whole cloth.

    I don’t think every aboriginal community will have these issues. I think it’s a bad idea to have multiple (hundreds of) smaller governments where these issues could pop up. Every Australian deserves the same and the best rights we can give them. Our job isn’t done in that regard and it would be a backward step to allow small communities to “decide for themselves” in these regards.