I remember reading somewhere that pi to only 5 digits can calculate the circumference of the earth within an error of about 50cm. Hell NASA only uses like 15 places I think.
I remember reading somewhere that pi to only 5 digits can calculate the circumference of the earth within an error of about 50cm. Hell NASA only uses like 15 places I think.
Well it would be obvious. Any decent network tool would be able to filter traffic on a port or type (ICMP, DNS, etc).
“Wonder why this kid has 2.5Gb of DNS traffic last week? That isn’t normal. Maybe we should go check it out”
The trick to staying hidden is to look like noise. And this would not be noise.
This is a very neat tool that I’ve bookmarked for further research. But I think you’re missing the point. He doesn’t need to hide network traffic, he needs a Wifi6 router. Now maybe you could setup a router to go through this service to further obfuscate the traffic but I don’t think this alone solves his purpose.
But I’m very glad you posted it because I love learning about little tricks like this to get around overly restrictive networks.
I did this a work one time… sorta the same thing. I installed pfsense VM and left the DHCp server on. I killed the network in our office for about 15 minutes.
Class of 1989. I knew it.
Do you know how many times I have killed my own network at home and I control EVERYTHING!! I’m the only wildcard…. Of course I have ADHD and documentation is not my strong suit 🤣
I work in university IT so I have some experience here. Some schools are better than others but in general providing IT services for students is like trying to wrangle a herd of starving feral cats who are all in heat.
First of all I have never seen 802.1x implemented (Ethernet authentication) in the wild that wasn’t almost immediately removed. It’s a shitty protocol that’s terrible to debug. I totally get why they restrict APs … my god if every student had one it would be a pain. It would be like standing in a crowded room with everyone shouting and you’re trying to pick out one conversation 20 ft away.
My guess is you’re basically in a situation like my son was at ECU. It’s likely not really a university dorm but closely affiliated hence the reason of a third party. Or the central university IT is abysmal and can’t be bothered. Either way the only reason to use 802.1X is because they think it’s more secure, when in fact it’s way more trouble than it’s worth. You can do the same thing by controlling downstream routing or MAC filtering. The ECU “dorm” did that and it wasn’t much better honestly. You had to go into a website to add your MAC address to get access to the WiFi. Firstly how do you do that when your computer can’t talk to anything. Chicken and egg problem. Secondly for the ones who figured out how to do that using your phone, good luck getting a history major to figure what even what a MAC address was.
My suggestion is don’t bother. If they’ve implemented 802.1x they’re a micromanaged IT and will catch you eventually. I’d also guess they have completely overtaxed their egress traffic and your speeds are abysmal.
On a related note, when you graduate never ever rent from an apt complex that generously process WiFi or Ethernet. It will almost always suck, they will have no one to provide adequate tech support, and they are just using it as another revenue stream.
Sorry I don’t have better advice but if they control the network there isn’t really much you can do.
If you’re not within a few years of my age I’ll eat my shoe.
Don’t remind me. My wife loves that show. The enablers on that show… sheesh. STOP FUCKING BRINGING HIM PLATES OF FRIED FOOD YOU MORONS!!! /rant.
I really miss the TiVo sound effects. And hacking them to add bigger drives.
I’m sorry but I just call that the syphilis channel because that’s what pops into my head when I read syfy.
Jesus I just snorted coke out my nose.🤣
My wife loves that damn channel. But I swear to god if I have to watch another Father Christmas movie I’ll hurl. Fuck Father Christmas. Wait… I might watch “Fucking Father Christmas”
That still breaks my heart. There used to be really good shows on that channel.
I do honestly have a tendency to more thoroughly verify anything AI tells me.
Take a college physics test without a calculator if you wanna talk about pain. And I doubt you could find a single person who could calculate trig functions or logarithms long hand. At some point you move past the point to prove you can do arithmetic. It’s just not necessary.
The real interesting thing here is whether an LLM is useful as a study aid. It looks like there is more research necessary. But an LLM is not smart. It’s a complicated next word predictor and they have been known to go off the rails for sure. And this article suggests its not as useful and you might think for new learners.
I don’t disagree, but thats like saying using a calculator will hurt you in understanding higher order math. It’s a tool, not a crutch. I’ve used it many times to help me understand concepts just out of reach. I don’t trust anything LLMs implicitly but it can and does help me.
Using ChatGPT as a study aid is cheating how?
In my opinion it’s pretty simple… greed
Strangely enough Shawshank Redemption