Great to know! I’m on a similar plan for 1password now so I’ll have to look at switching
Great to know! I’m on a similar plan for 1password now so I’ll have to look at switching
Awesome, thanks!
Does Bitwarden have sharing/family features? I’d like to switch but those are a hard requirement for me
They aren’t referring to entertainment options
I have one that takes d cell batteries and works great. Have used others that barely function, though
Major respect for being open to correction. Godspeed on your grammar journey
Each of those "your"s should’ve been “you’re”
not reading all that…tldr?
Thanks to you and everyone else in this thread that recommended HeliBoard. It’s excellent
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
No one is saying simply “don’t stress”. Recognizing when stress is centered around something outside your influence can be a step toward dealing with it. That may not work for some, but it does for others - as I said, different strokes. Making a broad generalization about what is and isn’t good advice is reductive and only shuts down advice that may help OP
Dismissing advice that doesn’t work for you personally isn’t helpful - different strokes and all. I’ve dealt with anxiety and have found that rationalizing emotional responses to events outside my control normally works well for me. Ultimately, there’s no one-size solution, so people need to try different approaches to find what works for them. A variety of perspectives is always best
Ironically, these are the sorts of questions you should be asking a therapist. More general advice is to only allow yourself to stress about things in your control. There’s a lot of shittiness in the world, and stressing over it is poison to your mental well-being. Focus on what you can change and let go of anything beyond that. It helps me to try giving people the benefit of the doubt, e.g. imagine a scenario where your therapist ghosting you is justifiable - maybe a close family member of theirs was in an accident - and choose to believe that. While it may not always be correct, this is a much better way to live for your part.
Running fewer commands as root is more significant risk reduction than having an extra user. I won’t be replying further since I’m simply repeating what others have already said. If you sincerely don’t understand, I suggest doing additional research on your own.
You seem to be looking at the issue in black and white. Any reduction in root access is beneficial. Using sudo with password cache lasting an hour is still preferable to signing in as root. As many people have said, it’s about minimizing attack surface
None of us can tell you the right approach for your specific system and use-case. People are simply pointing out that what you stated you’re doing is insecure and not recommended
Are you asking why it’s more secure to surface a few commands without password rather than all of them…?
Don’t you need a subscription to do any other than the daily?
I used it for a bit. For a supposedly privacy focused search engine, they sure dislike when users connect through a VPN. I’m met with constant identity checks and, with certain queries, straight up access denied pages. Selling the company to an ad agency is another massive red flag. It’s unfortunate since we’re starved for decent, free search options these days, but skip them.
This is comletely true, except it didn’t kick in for me until my child was around for a few days. The first 48 hours, I was too brain dead for it to sink in. My advice to soon-to-be parents is not to feel guilty if you’re not immediately star-struck; it can take time.
After a week or so I felt exactly as you described. It’s incredible.