when I say hate I mean don’t care for bad habit to use it interchangeably
when I say hate I mean don’t care for bad habit to use it interchangeably
I just hate her acting imo it’s mediocre at best.
I’m confused I thought it already was.
Call me a piece of crap Idc but this brings me joy it sucks for people who didn’t want this to happen but makes me smile and want to lick the tears of those who voted for trump only to find out their families may possibly be effected
Someone please correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t the democrats start the KKK and were they not as religious? Or is there something else?
Also does modern kkk still burn crosses?
I agree fuck him he wasn’t bad but boy did he lack a spine
Any idea where I can get some then so I don’t have to wait and order?
It’s a struggle but working on it :)
So I’m confused networking stuff has never been my strong suit, is this saying you can still be fucked on public WiFi even if you connect through a VPN?
Out of curiosotiy where would something like 3D printing be placed?
Ah that makes sense not really familiar iwth this stuff so didn’t think it’s that intensive lol
Really? I thought they were free and didn’t affect bandwidth.
I find it funny how people on the right want the cop who shot that lady during the Jan 6 riot to be punished, yet think Chauvin was in the right…like how can you be so stupid…then again they probably don’t care the cop shot her they care cuz he’s black.