Sarcastic bitch with a wine problem

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2024


  • I think it’s interesting is that so many autocracies keep up the pretense of democratic and rules-based governance; even North Korea has elections. Same with political trials like you see in so many authoritarian regimes, from modern Russia or China to Nazi Germany – it’s like autocrats need to be able to pretend to themselves that the system they run is fair and just, and that they’re not just tyrants who govern with impunity and enforce rules arbitrarily.

    What I don’t get is why? Why bother when it’s immediately obvious to everyone that it’s all a sham? Why not drop the pretense, which everybody knows is just a pretense?

  • Ukraine hasn’t “taken over Kursk”, they made a small incursion and they’re holding parts of it, and they’re doing it to tie up Russian units on their side of the border. You seem to be assuming that Russia will never be able to dislodge the Ukrainian unit that made this incursion.

    Maybe time to stop reading the news for a while, this sort of hysteria can’t be good for you.