The second definition in your quote confirms that factoid can mean a widely-accepted false fact.
(2) something fictitious or unsubstantiated that is presented as fact, devised especially to gain publicity and accepted because of constant repetition.
Note vs notate. The verb form of note is note. Notate is a back-formation of notation. It refers to writing non-linguistic transcription, like musical notation or dance choreography.
It also will burn your gums if you don’t trim the mouthpiece carefully around your gum line. Take your time when molding and trimming.
It’s a sarcasterisk.
I use it more in acceptance, like if I’m late for work and I hit traffic. Short of driving up the shoulder like an asshole, I’m going to be late. So rather than be stressed for the rest of my commute, I just accept that I’ll be late. It is what it is.
The first rule of the tautology club…
I agree, when it’s used as a thought-terminating cliché. It’s also very applicable to impart acceptance of something that you can’t control.
You are correct. You don’t want to create suction in your mouth for a few days after having a tooth extracted. You’ll end up with something called a dry socket, which is far more excruciating than the initial pain of extraction.
That’s one of the two reasons for a camera bump- a larger aperture improves low-light photography as well as provides the option of shallow depth-of-field. The other reason is a larger sensor for higher resolution and improved digital zoom.
It’s depends if that’s from a store or a bar/restaurant. You can spend $100 on drinks at one dinner in NY if you’re taking someone out. Two people at $8-$15 a drink plus tip adds up fast.
Mark Sherman plays some great vibes charts. Interplay is great background music for a gathering.
I’m doing this as hard as I can.🖕
Or when sounding like “A” as in neighbor and weigh
And on weekends and holidays, and all throughout May
And you always be wrong, no matter what you say.
I believe most nations have a version of “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” that is taught in early education.
With a potato masher
I have an opinion because it affects anyone sexually active that is not in an exclusive relationship. Legalized sex work would increase sex worker healthcare, directly reducing national STD numbers.
There was one in the US called Bawls that I drank a lot in the 90s. It was really good.
Edit: Turns out it still exists.
Walmart and telecom too.
Gotta double the capacity of the 80 GB drive in my head