I bought a folding lock.
Nothing is impregnable but this is pretty tough.
I bought a folding lock.
Nothing is impregnable but this is pretty tough.
Really? Some appliances are a great fit for battery but others less so.
An electric mower just doesn’t feel right to me.
It won’t do anything.
Whatever people don’t buy on the 15th will simply be bought on the 16th.
Guaranteed the capitalists you’re trying to contact won’t even notice.
Yep we should do something just to avoid doing nothing.
My explanation is better:
There’s three doors, of which one is the winner.
First, pick a door to exclude. You have a 66% chance of correctly excluding a non-winning door.
Next, Monty excludes a non- winning door with certainty.
Finally, open the remaining door and take the prize!
This is a common argument in our house.
I think so.
That’s unclear but my take is that this is an expression of the distress felt by the employees, and perhaps the only possible outlet for their feelings. I suspect that it’s more likely the action of one or two people rather that some kind of collectively approved signal.
I just don’t know. I’m not even American but I feel very discombobulated.
I think I’ve had enough internet for a few months.
I just feel so despairing and helpless. I’m not even American.
Don’t try to spin logic.
Some very strong pot kettle black energy here.
I think that’s what he’s going to do?
Hah! Me too, exactly this.
searx.perennialte.ch has been great.
Sorry you’re barking up the wrong tree there mate. Crypto is a detriment to humanity.
Yeah most commenters here just read the headline I think.
The govt just wanted the loan so they did the thing.
They’re still big into bitcoin. Seems like their holdings have gone well (only because Trump won), but their other projects haven’t been successful by any metric.
People haven’t taken up crypto as a currency, it’s just the pres using federal resources to invest in crypto. He’s been lucky so far.
Not really scammers but speculators.
A means of exchange shouldn’t be a speculative investment, the two objectives are at odds with each other.
Would you loan money to someone who wouldn’t be able to repay if the bitcoin market crashed?
You’re very willing to surmise what their views on Biden would be, but not Trump?
I’m not asking you to speak for them.
Do you think they would feel relieved that Trump is POTUS?
Do you think Palestinians are relieved that Trump is POTUS now?
Oh my sweet summer child.
This is hyperbole which doesn’t help anyone.
“Fighting” at every opportunity just runs you down. As in all things you need to pick your battles and I fear that this isn’t the right one to pick.