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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 13th, 2023


  • Right, I agree with you about that, but believe you’re using too broad a brush here, I don’t know if that was clear.

    There’s a huge difference between ineffective herbal mixtures that are being predatorily advertised to people with chronic illnesses and this, imo. This is more akin to your dentist telling you to rinse with homemade saline solution if you can’t afford mouthwash- it’s a scientifically well established disinfectant, just made at home.

    I think it’s wonderful that Brazil’s researching folk cures, too often they’re unresearched by the academic community, even though they’ve been in some cases (not all) used effectively for centuries. I appreciate you wanting to wait until there’s been rigorous academic testing, and I do think that’s the right thing to do, if it’s something that you can do. If you’re in a situation where you don’t have that option, it’s not as easy, in my opinion. Especially because there’s a huge backlog of traditional remedies to test, and not all governments are so open to testing them at all.

  • This seems consistent with what I learned in CCD and Catholic school in the 90s-00s. We were always told that sexual pleasure was increased in a marriage and a sign of god blessing the marriage, whereas sexual pleasure outside of a marriage was cheap and damaging.

    Edit: side note, I didn’t think this fucked me up until I got married and realized I’d felt ashamed every other time I’d had sex. I never believed in god, and this is pretty obviously trying to steer behavior, so I thought I was unaffected, but it’s still a brain virus

  • Can I try to gently press that a little?

    I would feel awful if I found out I had been enabling someone’s alcoholism, especially if they only allowed it because they trusted me and I offered them drinks. I have ADHD and autism, so I understand making yourself hard and fast rules to avoid having to make your own self control (I’m not saying that’s definitely what you’re doing).

    Could you perhaps try gradually increasing the rules one by one so that in the end there’s basically no scenario in which you drink? I’m talking: a trusted person offers it to you; it’s a weekend; it’s nice weather out; your whole house is clean; you’ve got extra cash; you ate healthy that day; you are already in a good mood; your beloved (hopefully incapable, for this situation) sports team has won; you talked to two relatives that day, etc. I’m not a therapist, but that works for me. The problem is when I mess up- my rules are great for keeping me out of trouble, but they make me spiral if/when I do break them. You might have to figure out a combination of zero tolerance for “mistakes” and allowing yourself to make actual mistakes without spiraling.