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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Basically all countries that started having some economic growth since 1950 will have this spike effect. The countries that were already rich had a slow population transition, the other ones a fast one. The short version of that story is that in the latter child mortality went down slowly, and in the the former it was a quick proces. People take some time to adapt to this new reality, which means that for a shirt period of time 10 of 10 children will grow up to have kids of their own. After a while, the amount of children goes down to 2 or less, and growth stops. In Europe, this lade population multiply by two or three, in North Africa for example it can be up to times five or more. And in modern societies, this kind of growth tends to concentrate in cities.

  • OpenStreetMap offers so many new things to learn :) Here’s an example overpass query for myself: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1FG7 Just move the map to you area of interest, and in the code change the “user” to your username. Then click “Run” (or something similar, depending on the language). You can change the “way” part to “node” or “nwr” to extract different types of data. Or you can add [“building”] to just show buildings you last touched. Minor warning is that this shows things you were the last to edit. So if someone else is active in your area, your edits will disappear. If you’ve been active for a while, but only see your recent changes, we can add (newer:“2023-01-01T00:00:00Z”) near the username.

    http://umap.openstreetmap.fr is really pretty self-explanatory. It is similar to Google MyMaps, but built by the OSM community. A beginner’s guide is available here: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/UMap/Guide