I put the electric insert in one of mine, charged it in 2021… still works!
I put the electric insert in one of mine, charged it in 2021… still works!
I often see goods where the box has one side printed in English and the other side in Spanish.
Books are a little different because of the shared* language.
*except Québec.
Zippo Lighters.
This is a giant rabbit hole, you’ve been warned:
Each name has a popularity chart, so for this example, you can see Zeus started trending in Spain in 2005-2010:
My wife mutes them, I just ignore them.
$4.99 for 8 heads would be a great deal! :)
‘anything’ could have happened if he’d stayed home too. ‘Anything’ is a low bar. ;)
Seems less to do with cars and more to do with citizen/government stupidity:
“It’s not quite a mile from his house.”
Looks like Georgia DOES have a “Reasonable Childhood Independence” law…
Surprising nobody…
This is true, I had a terrible beard for decades, then I picked up an injury and couldn’t stand up long enough to shave for 3 months. :(
Kept it after that! I earned it! ;)
I just stopped shaving. Best decision ever! ;)
I went out of my way to get one installed in a house that didn’t have one. So, yeah.
If yours is making a mess under the sink, it’s either broken or installed wrong.
I thought you meant that the package has 3 blade heads, but the shelf tag says 5 blades. ;)
Yeah, Clickbait has no place anywhere, even if the article itself is fine…
I swear to god the next time I see “side hustle” in my Google News feed…
One suggestion I’d like to see as a differentiator from the Science subreddit… The subreddit really seemed humorless to a degree where it felt like the mods were joyless scholars with giant sticks in a really uncomfortable place (What? Like the back of a Volkswagen?)
I get the need for standards on post quality, I just hope there isn’t a heavy hand on comment quality.
Monthly hot tub maintenance. ;)
Writing, I hope. I’ll have more time to spend on it here in about 5 days.
Electric insert too!