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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • First: Good. Everyone deserves good and safe working conditions (and reasonable pay).

    I have the same mixed feelings about Amazon as I do about Walmart. They underpay and overwork their employees, and treat them as replaceable cogs. They often gouge the companies that supply their stock. Their customer service ranges from “OK” to “forget it.”

    But as someone living with a low income, I often don’t have a choice. Amazon’s “subscribe and save” program can save me significant money on bulk products, and sometimes Walmart’s prices are the best when I don’t have much money for the rest of what I need.

    If you have the choice, I encourage you to choose to avoid these companies. But for those of us struggling to make ends meet, we’re stuck having to give business to companies that not only help create people like me, but depend on our need for them. Please remember that when there are calls that everyone has to stop using them.

  • Officially? Yes, it’s all against the rules. It’s against the rules to harass moderators. It’s against the rules to go attempt to rile up others to cause problems. It’s against the rules to have subreddits dedicated to trying to convince people to go to other subs and harass moderators.

    In reality? It has to be very persistent for the admins to take real action. There have been cases where subreddits have been cautioned or (rarely) sanctioned for allowing or encouraging their users to go visit other subs to harass. There have been cases where harassers eventually get their accounts banned, but not before Reddit has smacked them on the hand and said, “No, no! Bad Redditor!” 3-4 times first. More likely, reporting this kind of crap gets you the response, “We don’t see a problem.”

    Part of that problem is that a lot of report responses are automated, and you have to know how to appeal and get the attention of humans to even have a sliver of hope that one of them might take action.

    It’s a case of too many problem children, not enough human staff to deal with it.

    It’s against the rules to create account after account to follow and harass a moderator for over four years but 8? 9? of his alt accounts later, they still haven’t been able to stop this one nutbag from Australia who gets his jollies by following me around Reddit to disagree with everything I say.

    I see it as Reddits obligation to educate the community about moderators and what they do on the daily.

    Reddit thinks moderators are as disposable as napkins.

  • This is such a common attitude, and it’s nonsense. Non-moderators think moderators are “power hungry” when they ban people. While there are some few exceptions, moderators don’t ban people because they like power. Moderators ban people because they’re disruptive and causing trouble.

    What moderating is really like, part 1

    What moderating is really like, part 2

    99% of the people I’ve banned who were not obvious spammers or bots are one kind of troll or another. Usually they fall into three categories: Concern Trolls (“But I’m only saying this for your own good!”), Factoid Trolls (“I’m here to tell you the TRUTH!”), or Disruptive Trolls (dick picks, offensive memes, slurs and racism, etc.).

    Roughly 1% of the people I ban apologize for their mistake, remove their rule-breaking content, and either follow the rules or quietly leave.

    I regularly get called a power-hungry mod by the crybabies who get angry when they aren’t allowed to break the very clearly stated rules, and repeat their offenses after getting first, sometimes second warnings. They run to other places and go try to stir up other crybabies to come and cause the same kind of trouble.

    Moderating is tireless and endless. Jerks don’t get banned for saying “Dur the mods suck! Free Speech!” Jerks get banned because they think the rules are for other people, or because they think that the rules are wrong so that means they don’t have to follow them.

    Thank you for coming to my Moose Talk. (Ted is taking a nap right now.)

  • Voat became such a garbage site. It was (barely) tolerable in its early days but with the influx of the reddit refugees from the FPH and “Chimpire” subs, it started down the path to trash fire. My favorite (sarcasm) part was how the racists even attacked the Voat creator & original boss because he was Muslim. Yet the owner was such a tool that he shrugged it off with “Free Speech.”

    By the time it failed – and yes, I know that there’s a version of Voat still around but it’s like 300 white supremacists all doing a giant circle jerk – there wasn’t a place on Voat that wasn’t a toxic cesspool.

    I recently told this tale but I’ll tell it again: There was a short lived Reddit alternative that closed down for, as best as I can tell, mostly trying to run at just the wrong time. They sounded a lot like Beehaw: Open communication but no hate speech allowed.

    They started growing around the time that Reddit was cracking down on the alt-reich subs that were doxxing people and making actual threats of violence, like the_dondon (You know what I mean) and its ilk, plus stomping out the incels. Both groups went crying to Voat. Voat, amusingly, called them all poseurs and downvoted them off the site. So they - especially the alt-reich kids - went to the new site.

    The new site handled them with such grace it still boggles my mind. They told them all, basically, “Thanks for coming! It’s so nice you want to be here, but, sorry, you’re breaking our rules. Here’s your hat. So sorry you can’t stay with us! We wish you all the best. Bye bye, now!” and deleted all their accounts and the communities they created, and that was that.

    It was a cute site and it could have been something nice, but it just didn’t fully get off the ground. I feel bad that I cannot remember the name of it.

  • Redditinc.com’s fact(oid)s about the API changes.

    Includes such BS as

    100,000+ active communities

    Technically true. But it’s estimated that between 1/3 and 1/2 are NSFW. That is, the subs they don’t want shown at their (mythical) IPO.

    Supporting these apps is not free for Reddit; they incur both infrastructure and significant opportunity costs.

    Technically true. But so does the official app, and web browsers. API calls are not some sort of special magic that causes extra wear on the systems. If the users never had the third party apps they’d be using something else, causing the same traffic and usage - or using nothing at all.

    Reddit needs to be a self-sustaining business and to do that, we can no longer subsidize commercial entities that require large-scale data use from our API.

    Again, third party apps are no more of a drain on data use than anything else. It’s been proven, but Spez keeps pushing this lie.

    Many other platforms have chosen to stop supporting apps like these altogether.

    Objection! Facts not in evidence.

    more than 98% of apps do not pay and will continue to access the Data API for free so long as apps are not monetized […].

    Emphasis mine. This is the real story.

    Our pricing is based on usage levels comparable to our own costs

    Either this is an outright lie or Spez is admitting that the official Reddit app is an inefficient, data monching, piece of garbage.

    We’re working to improve the mobile mod experience

    Spez has been promising rainbows for years but all we ever get is poop. Or just the smell of poop. That the mobile apps were released without proper moderator tools tells you what he thinks of moderators.

    We have a unique system of checks and balances, and we respect the communities right to protest.

    Clearly a lie, given that Spez is going to change the rules to force out moderators who choose to follow their sub’s wishes to protest.

    r/nottheonion is asking users to vote, including a fun option that encourages people to take Tuesdays off

    The “fun option” is an official means of joining the protest. Can he stop lying for 10 seconds?

    We conducted an accessibility audit with an external consultant and have been working on improving accessibility on the site and in our apps.

    Yes, much smarter than actually TALKING TO YOUR OWN USERS AND SEEING WHAT THEY WANT. Oh, they want what you refuse to do? Gee, what a surprise!

    Nothing says ableism more than telling people with disabilities that they have no agency in how or if they get accommodations. (Sadly, the ADA does not apply to Reddit as a website.)

    In summary, Spez needs to be fired. Preferably out of a cannon, into the sun.

  • Another for Ublock Origin

    Youtube Enhancer

    Imagus [enlarges images, great for my old tired eyeballs]

    Ad Observer (run by Cybersecurity for Democracy project at New York University, it examines any ads you DO get to look for patterns in how advertising is being used to influence people on social media.)

    To Google Translate (Highlight something and send it straight to a Translate page)

  • It might be different where you live, but my experience is that pain clinics are unlikely to take a walk-in patient. Because of the risk of painkiller abuse [insert an eyeroll here], almost all pain clinics require a referral from another doctor with a diagnosis for whatever is causing the pain.

    FYI: urgent cares should take Obamacare insurance. If you’re worried about cost you can call and ask if they take your insurance and how much their co-pay is, if any.

  • Get your butt to an urgent care. They can best do a basic evaluation to see if it’s something serious, especially because it’s getting worse. You don’t want to wait until you’re unable to move. The worst thing that happens is they say it’s a strain and give you some muscle relaxants to tide you over for a while. (Actually, the real worst thing that happens is that they dismiss you because women’s pain is more likely to be dismissed. Ugh.)

    Good luck and take care.