Just disable everything on your phone right now down to the essentials. If you’re on Android, there’s a lot of really minimalist 3rd party launchers like Niagara launcher that can improve the minimalist experience as well. You’d basically mimic the light phone at that point while still having every upside and be able to selectively enable and disable what you’re asking.
You don’t need to pay for an overpriced phone to take your choices away. You can find the will power to just disable it on your current phone.
They’re especially greedy when you consider they are not only the most profitable of all their competitors (Netflix/Disney Plus/Hulu/etc), but that they’re unique in that they’re the only one who doesn’t fund creating any content at all.
At least the other companies put tons of money producing content alongside their other stuff. YouTube just lets others do that for them and then takes all the profit.
So how does YouTube really justify their costs for premium with zero production costs and the largest profit margin?