Any sport in the Athletics category
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Any sport in the Athletics category
sighs in indonesian
pulls out searx
Good point, their policies are rather complex. Or maybe I got it mixed up with FictionPress (both have similar colors)
AO3 has a section for original fiction
I’m not sure. But regardless, I’m thinking of an “Is it AI?” community or (sorry Lemmy users) subreddit, similar to r/whatisthisthing or r/amitheasshole. I don’t have the time and energy so hopefully someone takes my idea and puts them into fruition
Collective human wisdom would be useful. Some humans will pick up nuances and details other humans may have missed. Sort of complementing each other, in a way.
Human intuition has much more capabilities than a computer program, so I believe community should be made in light of that
If the content includes the Disney Vault that’d be very cool
I’m a cusp Milennial-Gen Z but I identify more with Gen Z values in my country, possibly because I was introduced to computers and the internet at a young age, even in a developing country.
The AI hype (talk to your toaster!) will blow over, useful AI will remain and improve, this is just a hurdle along the way.
I hope so. AI spam causing too much internet noise to the point where we can’t tell which one’s true or not would be one big hurdle.
What about more social games like Fortnite or Roblox?
Do you have any access to any professionals such as a therapist or social worker? You can ask for a more personalized advice from them. It’s hard to tell you how to cope with loneliness without knowing the specifics.
Why do you feel that you are eternally lonely? How old are you? What do you do for a living? Do you have any health issues that are preventing you from leaving the house?
I don’t think any amount of money is enough. This is what happens when we live in a society that relies on material wealth as a source of validation instead of a means to fulfill our basic needs.
Interestingly enough that game got improved with patches. Seems to be the norm with games these days
Being neurodivergent does that to you
Reducing people from third world countries to “language models” as an attempt to critique AI aint it
When people misinterpret The Boys and form a fandom based on their false assumptions, I’m not surprised anymore
TechCrunch: this is nightmare fuel
engadget: it’s so cute :)
I know athletics tend to depend on body capabilities and training but I perceived the question to be which competition would be the “easiest” and I suppose I perceived “easy” to mean “don’t need that many rules and steps”. I find athletics to be one of the more simpler games out there. I apologize if I may have misinterpreted the question.