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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I have tried arguing with the people I would categorise as ‘anti-intellectual’ more than 99% of people to ever have lived trying to understand them

    this betrays a lot about your attitudes towards 99% of people and how you interact with them

    Consider that the ones who aren’t as enlightened as you just haven’t had the privilege to get the free time, financial flexibility, and education to spend a lot of time and effort self-reflecting on their own intellectual purity. Consider also that there are many in that group who count you as anti-intellectual for your prioritization of the ideals of a squeaky clean intellectual platform over the material realities of living in the world and having to engage in conflict and contradictions.

  • I hate the culture of downvoting for simple questions that might seem obvious. If you’re lurking and reading this, stop doing that.

    My understanding is that no ISP makes it public that they block a large number of sites despite the fact that they are currently technically allowed to do so, but there are a number of isolated incidents of small and short-term access issues that may charitably be mistakes, and also throttling on a site-by-site basis does definitely exist and is employed by a number of ISPs. This regulation does more preventing a backslide into corporate rule and less uplifting our current conditions.

  • Alright, from the very words of your own comment:

    At some point, does it matter?

    in direct response to my comment

    Who decides what is stupid and what isn’t?

    Yes, it does matter. If you want to “Give people the resources to educate themselves”, you have to have a definition of stupid and not stupid that guides your choice of what is and isn’t good education; in order to “Give them the benefit of the doubt, once”, you have to have a criteria for when they’ve stopped being stupid.

  • Okay, sure, what about vaccines then? Hypothetically, I think the idea that we shoot ourselves full of mercury and viruses is extremely stupid. Malicious too, by your model. And also, I don’t think climate change is real, so now I think you’re stupid and you think I’m stupid and it’s he said she said and if we both think the other is being malicious we have a brawl. The thing that fixes this is a definition of “stupid” that we both agree on that is clear, useful, and objective. What is that definition?