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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2024


  • I have declared war on notifications. My immediate family, two closest friends, and my boss can call me. In no other circumstances will my phone make a noise or vibrate. I will check my texts when I feel like it.

    Other than a few exceptions, no apps may show the notification badge either. Discord will show DMs and mentions from one or two servers. Everything else is blocked. My work email may show unread email. I’ve even turned off banners on my work chat app. I don’t think I’ve checked my personal email in months.

    All my recurring charges are paperless + autopay. That’s another notification badge I forgot about - I have a budgeting app that can show transactions. I categorize them, make sure their categories are covered, and I’m done.

    On the first of the month, I pay rent and set the budgeting app categories. Then I have nothing to worry about, and near-zero distractions. My biggest pain point in life is deciding what to eat for dinner.

  • I can’t get the title to work.

    It says 6 lanes in each direction, but I only see four, and can get to five if I count on/off ramps.

    It says 8 feeder lanes, but 8 + 12 main lanes is only 20, not 26. Unless it means 8 per side, which would add up to 28.

    Regardless, the best I can do is the off ramp in the top left. It has three “main” lanes and two left turn lanes, for a total of five. If I count the ramp next to it in addition to the four core lanes on that side of the median, we get ten lanes flowing from top to bottom - still 3 short of 13, which we’d then have to match on the other side to get 26.

    I would call this 8 lanes; 4 in each direction. You can fudge the numbers by counting ramps, but even if you count parallel roads too, I don’t see anywhere close to 26.

  • There is no such thing as easy or hard.

    Give it a try, fuck it up, and give it a try again. Try not to fuck it up in the same way as the first time. Repeat until it works - it will work eventually.

    It took me about 6 hours and 3 disk re-formats my first time. I was particularly bad at it. I barely knew what a disk was, nevermind a partition.

    Actually I’m still not sure what a partition is.

    You’ll do fine :)

  • But MS teams is very secure! It’s sandboxed in a web browser :) It’s effectively a single-tab display of an entire ram-eating chromium process :)

    The only unfortunate side effect is that it can’t read your system default audio output, so it uses a cryptographically secure random number to decide which other audio output to use. That’s right - it very securely knows about all of your audio outputs, even though they aren’t the system default :)

    Did you just try to send someone a file? Don’t worry, I’ve put the file in sharepoint for you, and have sent them a link instead. Actually, wait - you had already sent that to someone else, so I sent file (1).docx instead. Actually wait - that was taken too. Now it’s file (2).docx.

    I would like to provide a friendly reminder that you will need to manage the file sharing permissions in sharepoint should anyone else join this 1-on-1 direct message chat :)

  • It really depends on the parameters of the thought experiment.

    If everyone suddenly received a lot of money, there would be a wild period of adjustment before we figure out the pricing system again and life continues as normal. Even though there’s a lot more money, there is not magically more TVs to buy. Nor would we all start building tv factories - there’s not magically more copper or concrete to buy either.

    If we all got more money and buried it in our yards and swore never to use it, then nothing has changed. For the sake of the thought experiment, someone would break the promise (I would - I want air conditioning), and then everyone else would break it too, and we end up in the previous situation.

    If everyone were suddenly truly wealthy - as in stuff / things - some might think we would chill out and coast for a while. But having satisfied our big needs ( I am not being hunted by tigers) and our medium needs (Air conditioning, yay!), I imagine humanity would just keep working - there are always more problems to solve / there is always more work to do.