I’m not sure which political system they are shut out off - the Palestinians have their own political system and leaders. It’s just not democratic.
They are also not under any military rule except their own. Almost all of the Israeli military presence in Gaza and the west bank is either during wars (ridiculously called operations), or in checkpoints between these territories. They are currently fighting against a de-facto foreign government.
But you know what, let’s assume that the situation is as you describe it. So, what you’re saying is that there is an apartheid and the Palestinian want, in fact, to participate and vote for the Israeli government but are blocked from it. You’re also saying that these settlers are all pure evil and want to inflict pain and suffering out of sheer sadism and hate. They deserve a death sentence. Is that about right?
By that logic, you’ll be ok with native Americans or Australian Indigenous People pick up guns and knives and start shooting and stabbing random people in the streets?
This is not about sympathy and I’m not justifying their actions. I’m saying something really simple - do you honestly believe that the actions of a person who took a gun and shot with the intend of killing as many unarmed civilians, who didn’t actively attack anyone, is justifiable? As someone from the political left, I’m honestly baffled by how other people holding liberal opinions have no problem justifying terrorists and murderers as long as it’s Palestinians vs Jews.
Like all things, it’s complicated. It’s not that they invaded an existing city, deported everyone and colonised it.
This area is a no-man’s land, technically not owned by any country. The area that they built the settlement was uninhabited before they came along. Is it ok? I agree, no, they have no business being there.
But do you really believe that they deserve a death penalty for it?
You’re right. And a territory ownership dispute totally justifies shooting and trying to kill unarmed civilians. Be better. Also, phrase better. A Palestinian shot six people. An off duty officer shot back and killed him.
Bolivia signed a large defence contract with Iran recently, so it really depends on how it unfolds.
If it becomes a way for Iran to establish an outpost in South America it may lead to political assassinations and a regime change.