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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I agree with the sentiment, but in his linked project he says this:

    Somewhat surprisingly, Trifecta does not touch the images it serves. This is a bit sad since it might be useful for the software to create thumbnails for example. The security record of most image libraries however is sufficiently depressing that it is not worth the cost to do any kind of conversion.

    Apparently leaking EXIF data to the internet is not a concern of his.

  • I can’t remember the exact timeline of events, but early on it was reported and assumed to be IDF, while others claimed it wasn’t. Reports got walked back until there were more details, and now it’s generally agreed that it was probably a Hamas rocket that exploded or something.

    So I think the press may just be a little more careful with how they portray things when there is only one source or they are reporting on what other news organizations are saying. You know - like they should be doing anyway.

  • It just seems like a scam to me. We buy things with credit cards to get the points and each transaction costs the merchant money. The merchant raises their prices to cover transaction fees, so now you’re not really getting points - you’re paying hidden fees that get some rewards points for (but not enough). The real scam is that it’s such a monopoly now (oligopoly?) that if you don’t pay with a credit card then you’re losing out - you’re paying inflated prices but not getting the reward points.

    Now, some people have to pay with credit cards, but that shouldn’t be the norm. If you’re perpetually one month (ie, one payment) behind on bills, etc, then credit card makes sense, but that should be an edge case - just need to save for a month and then you’re good. (yes, lots of shoulds and wishful thinking there, I know, read the next paragraph).

    If you fall more than a month behind on payments, the you’re paying some 20% interest, which is likely going to destroy you anyways. So living “a month behind”, while maybe the reality for many is likely to get way worse before it gets better.

    I will acknowledge that CC companies provide things like insurance and liability protection. I think that if governments and/or banks could provide this, there would be no good reason to use a credit card beyond the odd big purchase. And realistically, some international transactions, as well, since it will take a long time before all our payment systems are integrated to that degree.