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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Unity is trash and I’ll just leave that alone.

    Using Rust for a game engine with wgpu, unless you already know Rust intimately and have used the Vulkan API before, is going to be difficult for you. I recommend you give it a try, but last I checked wgpu expected you to be familiar with Vulkan and is missing comments on most crate types and functions.

    You might have better luck with something like macroquad or miniquad, but you’ll probably hit a wall and realize you want to do something that the developer didn’t think to expose an API to make possible. You’re also on your own for sound. Bevy has many components and I know it’s popular, but I don’t know if it has rendering. Maybe macroquad is the missing piece? Oh, and then text rendering. That’s a tough one.

    I recommend a couple options: browse lib.rs or AreWeGameYet for game engines that aim to provide a complete package.

    For non-rust, recently Relogic gave a bunch of money to Godot and FNA, so I would check those out. That’s going to be your quickest start (towards minimalism and performance) that isn’t unity.

  • I’ve grown up enough to understand that, but it still really bothers me how ignorant people are. You could go further: no curiosity, no adventure, no hobbies, and total lack of effort in almost every facet of life.

    People just like to stagnate, and it shows in almost every situation. Not even technology related things, but everything.

    My teenage little brother, as much as I love him, is kind of disappointing. He doesn’t do anything but play Roblox. When he is grounded (often) he elects to take pictures of his feet and say stupid things to his “friends” instead of holding real conversations.

    I’ve never been able to get him interested in anything that requires a modicum of effort, except for modded Minecraft. He likes the machines, and has built cool things, so I know he has the smarts, but he doesn’t have the attention span or the patience to troubleshoot them if they don’t work the first time. He gives up and starts doom scrolling social media. He has expensive shoes, the latest iPhone, and perms his hair. My mother encouraged this vapid pretty boy personality he’s adopted, and I don’t know why, he wasn’t like that when he was younger.

    He tries to make fun of me for having and Android phone and using Linux, and I explain to him that software development is what I do for a living and as a hobby. Look, I never ever ever see an ad, anywhere. He thinks AirPods sound good, and calls all earbuds “AirPods”.

    And he’s not the only one, I’m tutoring a kid around his age for programming and math. This kid will answer “I don’t know” to every single question, and when I check every 5 minutes to make sure he follows, he is obviously preoccupied.

    When I was their age, I hated school just as much as any other kid (and I still think it needs serious reform because it might cause this kind of damage that I’m describing) but I still spent all of my free time either outside trying to make explosives, reading, or programming.

    I do not understand the lazy I see all around me.