It’s even worse than that. “This offer isn’t guaranteed, and I can’t promise that the car will continue working or be yours after you buy it. You waive your right to sue me if I take the car back without returning your money.”
It’s even worse than that. “This offer isn’t guaranteed, and I can’t promise that the car will continue working or be yours after you buy it. You waive your right to sue me if I take the car back without returning your money.”
Does Google not know what a “pledge” is?
Printing machines use all sorts of organic chemicals for inks and lubricants. Does it smell like fresh asphalt and citrus? Like tar and rubber mixed with fragrance.
To answer your question, I describe the way smells taste. Sweet, sour, bitter, salty, spicy. If you want to be vague, say it smells like wine. Wine smells like anything.
Deleting health information is an act of violence resulting in suffering and death.
Definitely. I kept up with the abuses in Philly, but the results were super depressing.
Lol, I think I lasted less than a month, and accomplished nothing. I’ve had more productive bowel movements, but I appreciate the sentiment.
He’s not going to, which is why he didn’t mention it. He probably forgot he promised as soon as he said he would.
He knows he doesn’t give a shit how whatever he wants to do affects other people.
Many years ago, I created a reddit sub for tracking instances of police brutality, naming the officers and following up on the lack of punishment. Within the first day, I was completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of offenses. I had a minor mental breakdown and had to abandon the effort.
Scrutiny? Conservatives don’t have a word in their language for that.
My understanding is that is came from soldiers returning from WWI who did not speak enough German to communicate, but were seeking the trains home.
I don’t speak German, but I picked up a few phrases for work. They have a few idioms that I think of sometimes:
“Ich glaub, ich spinne” which means I think I’m crazy, but literally translates to “I think, I spider.” It’s a great visual metaphor, being overwhelmed by the threads going everywhere that you imagine you’re a spider spinning a web, and also you’ve entirely forgotten grammar.
“Bahnhof verstehen” or “Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof” means “I understand only the train station.” It’s something you say when you don’t understand anything, you’re completely lost, and you don’t give a shit becaue you just want to get the fuck home.
I might be off on those translations or the subtext, but that’s how I understood it.
That’s a misconception about narcissists. He really doesn’t care, as long as he benefits. He’s a team of one, and everything else is negotiable.
I’m so tired of people proclaiming that NOW finally, Trump will see the consequences of his chaotic stupidity and petulant egocentrism!
No, he’s not going to “find out” anything, because he does not give a fuck who suffers and his supporters will gargle his balls no matter what he does.
You’re absolutely right about the consequences of this latest crime, except for the part where Trump in any way feels anything negative about the experience.
Which ocean? Do you care where you start and/or end your journey? Miami to Barcelona is going to be very different than Long Beach to Shanghai.
You can find some repositioning cruises for close to the price of a flight, but you’ll be in a shitty cabin and you would need to get to the departure port.
That’s probably true for some men, and people tend to assume that other people think like they do. So I would guess the brother is telling on himself a bit there. But also, what kind of relationship is that? Who would want to live like that? Good relationships are built on trust and communication. If you need to play games to keep someone’s eye from wandering, that’s not a relationship at all.
Could I have those Tensor cores for something useful, though?
Dafuq is a copilot+ pc?
Elections and congress were built upon the idea of shame. As in, no one could possibly do that and still expect to be reelected. A felon with a fraud conviction and a history of naked nepotism isn’t going to ask people to donate money with a straight face.
Whoa whoa whoa. Cocaine is way better than whiskey.