I agree completely. The original quote is, “Comparison is the thief of joy." ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Caw caw
I agree completely. The original quote is, “Comparison is the thief of joy." ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Replying just to tell my friends we’ve been chatting 😁
Edit: apologies, I misunderstood that you were pranked first. I’m not a prank fan but you obviously have cause to retaliate. I’ll leave my original comment below.
This doesn’t make sense. “It’s just a prank bro… Can’t you take a joke?”
If the person being pranked doesn’t find it ‘funny’ what is it?
Don’t - one person’s pranking is another person’s bullying.
It should be noted that the article is 10 days old and bug fixes/improvements for the Instagram import tool are in the works.
Personally, webdev, wordpress and photography
Hi, I’ve worked from home for over 20 years. I’m self-employed and build websites for different design agencies. I chat regularly with project managers so do have ‘work contact’.
I don’t mind being home alone all day, we (married 20 years) have 3 cats who are verbal throughout the day so there are interactions and I don’t feel alone.
That said, through lockdown I loved my wife being home all day. Luckily my workload only took a small dip, and we had a great time in the garden, reading, watching new TV etc.
I also play badminton twice a week in a club so have enough social action away from the computer.
It sounds like you’ve got a good balance now, keep well 🙂
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