some people consider indirect, cryptic answers to be complete
some people consider indirect, cryptic answers to be complete
everyone keeps repeating that cancer metaphor, but a plague is much more appropriate….
yeah but then they’d end up killing all of the middle management….
yeah, it’s a good solution
suburban housewives on meth would be a great vice documentary….
it feels like just a rumor to me, a lot of people on meth think that everyone is on meth….
for example, how are suburban housewives scoring meth? is there a network? do they go to the seedy parts of town and find street dealers?
it’s possible, but doesn’t seem likely.
i feel bad for the younger generations that grew up with locked down apps….
when i was 8, my first computer didn’t have pictures on it… my dad was a programmer so we got a new computer every year… my next one had graphics… the next one had speakers….
the first program i hacked was a dos menu program i locked myself out of (at 8 or so)….
for me, apps that magically do stuff in the background are painful….
i use a terminal emulator to run yt-dlp directly on my phone….
i can’t wait to download that!
yes yt-dlp,
no to random app that’s probably just a wrapper for yt-dlp with spyware and ads bundled in
well good… let him hide then…
nobody should be kissing his ass
doge deduplicates, but doesn’t detriplicate
no, he was never popular with gen z… they stole the fucking election
programmers themselves usually aren’t fascist, it’s the billionaires… and none of them can code
creative insult
“that” means: a pronoun, referring to a specific thing previously mentioned, known, or understood….
i consider butter a flavor enhancer and not a flavor on its own… buttered pasta with pesto is pretty awesome…
but i don’t use it very much.
you poor, poor, lost gooner…
only if you’re licking buttholes
all sorts of people are super satisfied with answers that don’t answer the question….
people tell me that all the time….