It was well before I turned one; I was still in a crib. It was dark, nighttime, and incredibly hot. Some sort of animal with glowing eyes stared at me from the floor.
I thought it was a dream, but decades later my parents confirmed that when I was a baby the thermostat had broken and we had a night where the temperature was 100°. As for the animal with glowing eyes, that was our cat.
Weird person giving me something incredibly sweet. (Later found out that was a polio vaccination via sugar cube). The memory was very partially formed, but it should have been around 18 months old.
Other fully formed memory starts around 2 and half.
Climbing onto the counter (at 2 or 3 years old) to get a Flintstone’s vitamin, because I liked the way they taste. Plot twist: what I actually ate was one of our dog’s epilepsy pills.
Two years old. Watching my dad build his train set in the attic.
Nice try to trawl for answers to security questions! I’ll never reveal that my earliest memory is playing with my first dog Chestnut in my childhood home on Oak St with my mother whose last name prior to marriage was Jessop!
My best friend face from kindergarten.
Had an audible “aww” to this one haha. Love it.
Playing in the yard outside our apartment: little 3 y.o. me was throwing rocks at a giant wasp hive. Coincidentally, my first memory is also the first time I almost got myself killed. Getting stung is how we found out I’m seriously allergic and now I carry an epipen.
Prob 3, and making a big ass semi truck out of Lego duplo blocks from my own mind. Thing would fall over because of weight. It had a driver and passenger.
Being in a stroller and the sun being incredibly bright overhead. Must have been around 2 years old.
Being at MarineWorld (now Six Flags Discovery Kingdom) to see the orca, and the poor creature was just laying in the water motionlessly. my family was there and they were like “aw, it must be sick :(”
I think this might be the article for it:
I probably have slightly earlier memories but I don’t actually know which ones are older so I stick with this one
Sitting in the upper part of the shopping buggy being pushed around Wal-Mart. Must have been 2 or 3.
Crawling over the wall my crib, and letting myself down, placing my feet between the vertical slats. I was two years old. I remember being two when we moved into our new home, after that, and I had a regular bed there. The new neighbor, when we moved in, asked me how old I was. And said “I’m two.”
A dream where I saw myself sleeping. It was pretty boring.