Carter, who lived longer than any other U.S. president, entered home hospice care in Plains, Georgia in February 2023 after a series of short hospital stays.
Think you’re still missing the point that he was one of the least harmful (on a presidential scale), most genuine good people we’ve had as president in a looooong while. Maybe ever.
I am sad.
The world truly is missing someone who made it objectively better.
He supported and backed the Indonesian government in their genocide in East timor. He also supported the Khmer Rouge.
He wanted to lift sanctions against Rhodesia
He also sent millions of dollars to far right dictatorships, such as in El Salvador.
You liberals love it when polite decorum covers up the sins of the leader.
Think you’re still missing the point that he was one of the least harmful (on a presidential scale), most genuine good people we’ve had as president in a looooong while. Maybe ever.
He supported genocide.